Previously titled 求真求证 How do you Know?
Reprinted under a new title. Available for distribution in August 2024. Pre-order now for distribution as soon as they become available.
Truth of evolution and creation-Simp
• 如果上帝是美善的、全能的,为何世上有苦难和邪恶?
• 你怎么知道是上帝创造了世界?猿人和恐龙该怎么解释?
• 外星人该怎么解释?
• 为什么只有圣经的神才是独一真神?
• 我们怎么知道圣经所讲的是真理?
• 耶稣真的从死里复活吗?
How Do You Know It’s True? The Evidence for Christianity
The book is divided into 36 chapters, each of which deals with an issue or evidence. Each chapter can be read on its own, and when taken together, it fully demonstrates the existence of God, the Bible as divine revelation, and the authenticity of Christianity.
The book begins with scientific evidence that life was created rather than evolved. Next, explore how suffering stems from the Fall of humanity and God's curse on the world. This will involve the true history of the Earth, including fossils and radioactive dating such as carbon-14. The book will explain the geological record in terms of Noah's global flood.
Next, we will review the history of God's chosen people, the Jews, and thus recognize the accuracy of the Bible's history. There are also selected prophecies about the Jews that have been fulfilled. After that, the book enumerates prophecies about other countries. These fulfilled prophecies show that the Bible was inspired by God. The dating of Bible manuscripts will also be discussed.
Finally, the focus turns to the New Testament. The life, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ will be examined. As we will see, many of these historical details were prophesied hundreds of years before they happened. This section will also provide a clear explanation of the gospel.
This book is suitable for non-believers who are seekers, believers who are in doubt, teachers and children in Sunday school and Christian schools, as well as homeschoolers, and believers who want to equip themselves for better evangelism.
1. Why does it matter?
2. How do you know there is a God
3. What about evolution? The origin of life
4. What about evolution? Variation, Mutation, Natural Selection, and the Origin of Species
5. What about evolution: Doesn’t the fossil record prove it?
6. What about ‘Ape Men’?
7. Where did the different races come from?
8. A few more false ‘evidences’ for evolution
9. What about space aliens?
10. If Evolution is wrong, why do scientists believe it?
11. Why is there disease, natural disasters, evil, and death in the world?
12. Can’t we combine belief in the Bible with evolution and billions of years?
13. How old is the earth?
14. Radiometric dating
15. Geology of a young earth: Origin of rock layers, coal and oil
16. Noah’s Flood
17. Fossils