We praise the Lord for your partnership with us!
Please click here to read more about the ministry, and click here to find out why our prices are so low.
Our History: We praise the Lord that the Chinese Resource Ministry (formerly the Mainland Chinese Literature Ministry) is now celebrating thirty years of serving the Lord! As the Simplified Chinese resource department of AFC, CRM resources have been used to reach students and intellectuals all over the world from mainland China. Over the past 30 years, millions of copies of books, booklets, and multimedia gospel resources have been promoted and donated at very low price, and many free, affecting and changing numerous Chinese people’s lives within China and overseas. Thirty years later, God called on us to continue to be faithful to the ministries he entrusted to us and insist on promoting the resources of the gospel at a very low price and free of charge so that those who are still seeking direction and truth of life will not be hindered by the cost and therefore lost the opportunity to be reached by this great gospel!
As we continue to move forward with the Lord's grace, we need more volunteers and financial support to our full-time co-workers and printing needs behind the scenes. Thank you for partnering with us through prayer and financial dedication, being volunteer expanding the kingdom of God! Whatever we invest in God’s kingdom will be remembered by God!
The co-workers of the Chinese Resource Ministry are grateful for your dedication and prayer support, we will continue to assist in the continuous expansion of the ministry! AFC will also provide you with tax deduction receipt.
Our Vision: to impact and transform Mainland Chinese worldwide, especially intellectuals, with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ, and equip them to grow in the Lord and multiply their faith.
Our Mission: to partner with God’s people to provide the most effective and strategic evangelistic and Christian growth resources for Mainland Chinese, at the lowest cost and highest quality.
Our Model: We rely upon God and the generous help of volunteers and donations from God’s people to give us the ability to provide resources at the lowest possible cost, and often at no cost, for maximum impact for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.