Intelligent Design(USB)

15个讲座视频带您领略上帝的创造(U盘)Intelligent Design USB


The Bible Basically - DVD-ROM

圣经基要:九小时掌握圣经全貌, The Bible Basically - DVD-ROM, 聖經基要:九小時掌握聖經全貌

God's Story VCD

神的故事-VCD, God's Story VCD, 神的故事-VCD

JESUS Film DVD - Chinese Lang DVD

耶稣传, The JESUS Film - Chinese Lang DVD, 耶穌傳

JESUS Film DVD - American Cities Edition

耶稣传, Jesus DVD - American Cities Edition, 耶穌傳

Good News VCD

好消息-VCD, Good News VCD, 好消息-VCD


盼望, The Hope DVD, 盼望

Chinese Treasures 6.0 SD card

信仰宝库 6.0 SD Card, Chinese Treasures 6.0 SD card, 信仰寶庫 SD card

Encountering Grace DVD - 10 stories of faith - Season 2

遇见恩典DVD 第2季, Encountering Grace DVD - 10 stories of faith - Season 2, 遇見恩典DVD 第2季

Shu Fang (CD+DVD)

心底的温柔-舒方CD+DVD, Shu Fang (CD+DVD), 心底的溫柔-舒方CD+DVD

The Quest, Mandarin VCD

追寻 VCD, The Quest, Mandarin VCD, 追尋 VCD

Case for Christ DVD

基督事件簿(事工版), Case for Christ DVD, 基督事件簿(事工版)

He Came to His Own Place DVD

He Came to His Own Place DVD;祂到自己的地方来 DVD;祂到自己的地方來 DVD

The Atheist Delusion DVD

无神论者的迷思(DVD), The Atheist Delusion DVD, 無神論者的迷思(DVD)

God of Wonders DVD

神奇(事工版), God of Wonders, 神奇(事工版)

God of Wonders Study Guide - English

, God of Wonders Study Guide - English,

God of Wonders Teacher Guide - English

, God of Wonders Teacher Guide - English,

Question of Origins - Combo

万物的起源, Question of Origins - Combo, 萬物的起源

Intelligent Design - Combo

恩宠之星/揭开生命的奥秘(简),  Intelligent Design DVD, 恩寵之星/揭開生命的奧秘(簡)

Astronomy: Our Created Solar System

真的假不了的天文学 DVD , Astronomy DVD, 真的假不了的天文學 DVD

Flight: The Genius of Birds DVD

飞翔:鸟的天赋DVD Flight DVD飛翔:鳥的天賦DVD

Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World

达尔文-惊世海行记(国语、普通话、英文), Darwin: the Voyage, 達爾文-驚世海行記(國語、普通話、英文)

Darwin: The Voyage that Shook (PAL- DVD)

达尔文-惊世海行记(英文-中文字幕), Darwin: The Voyage that Shook (PAL- DVD), 達爾文-驚世海行記(英文-中文字幕)

Metamorphosis DVD - boxed version

蜕变 :蝴蝶的美态与设计 DVD, Metamorphosis DVD - boxed version, 蛻變 :蝴蝶的美態與設計 DVD


蜕变 :蝴蝶的美态与设计 DVD, Metamorphosis DVD, 蛻變 :蝴蝶的美態與設計 DVD

More than Dreams

梦境寻真(事工版), More than Dreams DVD, 夢境尋真(事工版)

Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD

进化论的死穴 DVD, Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD, 進化論的死穴 DVD

Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD (English boxed edition)

进化论的死穴 DVD, Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD, 進化論的死穴 DVD

Temple of Heaven DVD (Mand / Cant.)

天坛DVD-(国粤双语), Temple of Heaven DVD (Mand./Cant.), 天壇DVD-(國粵雙語)

Faith, Science, Life - DVD

科学、信仰、人生 DVD, Faith, Science, Life - DVD, 科學、信仰、人生 DVD

Why I Became a Christian DVD set

我为甚么信耶稣 DVD, Why I became a Christian DVD set, 我為甚麼信耶穌 DVD

Unveiling the Mystery DVD

掀开汉字之谜DVD, Unveiling the Mystery DVD, 掀開漢字之謎 DVD

The Path to Resolve Conflicts DVD, Guiding Words Series

我的衝突,有路走-《恩言》專題系列,DVD, The Path to Resolve Conflicts DVD, Guiding Words Series, 我的衝突,有路走-《恩言》專題系列,DVD

Overcoming Harmful Emotions DVD, Guiding Words Series

我的情绪,我的心-《恩言》专题系列,DVD, Overcoming Harmful Emotions DVD, Guiding Words Series, 我的情緒,我的心-《恩言》專題系列,DVD

Christ's Army DVD, Guiding Words Series

精兵秘笈,DVD, Christ's Army DVD, 精兵秘笈,DVD

A Marriage from Heaven DVD, Guiding Word Ministries

荣美婚姻天上来 DVD, A Marriage from Heaven DVD, 榮美婚姻天上來 DVD