Young Ambassadors Magazine 2 - Order Now!

New Student Outreach
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“来者” 杂志2, Young Ambassadors Magazine 2, “來者” 雜誌2

Now available! Limited copies available!

Created with Gen Z students in mind, this 74-page book/magazine is specifically for outreach to college students this year! As a ministry of AFC's New Media team, this magazine is being offered for FREE.  In order to support this project, please make a generous donation to AFC's Media Project, if you are able.

目录 Contents

 【教授分享】真正的勇士,敢于直面留学的人生——开学第一课 [Professor sharing] A true warrior who dares to face the life of studying abroad - The first lesson of school
【教授分享】  高效时间管理的秘诀【Professor sharing】 The secret of efficient time management
 让我们谈谈焦虑 Let's talk about anxiety
【视频】心的创可贴EP01又想孝敬父母,又不想被他们控制,我该怎么办?[Video] Band-Aid of the Heart EP01 - I want to honor my parents, but I don't want to be controlled by them. What should I do?
【漫画】让冲突成为祝福 【Comic】Let conflict be a blessing
【动画】爱仇敌只是传说吗 【Anime】Is love for an enemy just a legend?
关于支票的那些“坑”儿 Those "pits" about writing checks
【漫画】大不相同 【Comic】Very different
【漫画】原来我有这么多潜力 【Comic】So I have so much potential
【见证音频和诗歌视频】COMPOSE原创音乐社:出人意外的平安 [Testimonial audio and poetry video] COMPOSE Original Music Club: Unexpected Peace

【漫画】人生如何不内卷?【Comic】How can life not turn inward?
我的职业规划师 My career planner
【有声书】工作的意义 【Audiobook】The meaning of work


The electronic version of the first issue of Young Ambassadors has been released, browse to the middle of the page to see the download link

You may also have some copies of the first issue of Young Ambassadors sent to you. Order them here below.

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