New Resources


Daily Walk with the Lord - New Printing!

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
每日与主同行(简字), Daily Walk with the Lord, 每日與主同行(簡字)

Daily devotionals in which one reads through the Bible in one year. Much valuable study help is included.


Your Money Counts

理财有道 (简), Your Money Counts, 理財有道(簡)

This book will transform your life and your finances because you will be learning what God says about handling money. Whether you are trying to make ends meet, or determine what to do with excess, this books gives a clear understanding of what God wants you to know about handling money. And, as you apply these principles, you'll enjoy more financial health, freedom and contentment.

With over 600,000 in print, many have discovered that the Bible has a lot to say about money through your Money Counts. This revised and expanded electronic workbook is embedded with videos, animations and interactive financial tools that will assist you as you discover what the Bible has to say about spending, saving, giving, investing, getting our of debt, facing a financial crisis and much more.

"The practical principles in Your Money Counts are powerful and life-changing because they are based on the Bible. My only regret is that I did not read it 20 years ago. Don't make the same mistake!" 
-Joe Gibbs, former NFL Head Coach and Founder of NASCAR's Joe Gibbs Racing

"Your Money Counts is very practical and will help you grow closer to the Lord. I heartily recommend it to those who are seeking to manage their money in a way that will please God." 
-Larry Burkett (1939-2003), Author and Radio Host

How Should We then Live?

前车可鉴:西方思想文化的兴衰 (简), How Should We then Live?, 前車可鑒:西方思想文化的興衰(簡)

How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture  by Francis A. Schaeffer

 As one of the foremost evangelical thinkers of the twentieth century, Francis Schaeffer long pondered the fate of declining Western culture. In this brilliant book he analyzed the reasons for modern society's state of affairs and presented the only viable alternative: living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God's revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible's morals, values, and meaning.

"This is a modern-day classic, one of Schaeffer's books that awakened me to how biblical truth affects all of life."
—Charles Colson, Founder, Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview

"There are books that quickly go out of print and there are books for the ages. How Should We Then Live? is one for the ages. Any serious thinker must read it again and again."
—Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist, Host, After Hours, Fox News Channel     

About the Author:

Recognized internationally for his work in Christianity and culture, Francis A. Schaeffer authored more than twenty books, which have been translated into a score of languages and sold millions worldwide. He and his wife, Edith, founded L'Abri Fellowship international study and discipleship centers. Schaeffer passed away in 1984, but his influence and legacy continue worldwide.

The Faithful Steward: 50-Day Journey to Freedom

忠心好管家 (简), The Faithful Steward: 50-Day Journey to Freedom, 忠心好管家 (簡)

The Faithful Steward: 50-Day Journey to Freedom

Commit 50 days to this engaging study where you will be challenged and inspired to walk more closely with Christ in all four areas of life: our relationship to God, to yourself, to your neighbor and with creation. Through lessons, teaching, Bible study, self examination and journaling you will walk the road to greater freedom as a faithful steward.

by R. Scott Rodin 

Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations

不可叫人小看你年轻 (简), Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, 不可叫人小看你年輕 (簡)

by Alex and Brett Harris

A generation stands on the brink of a "rebelution."

"Most people don't expect you to understand what we're going to tell you in this book. And even if you understand, they don't expect you to care. And even if you care, they don't expect you to do anything about it. And even if you do something about it, they don't expect it to last. We do." – Alex and Brett

Do Hard Things is the Harris twins' revolutionary message in its purest and most compelling form, giving readers a tangible glimpse of what is possible for teens who actively resist cultural lies that limit their potential.

Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, the authors weave together biblical insights, history, and modern examples to redefine the teen years as the launching pad of life.  Then they map out five powerful ways teens can respond for personal and social change.

Written by teens for teens, Do Hard Things is packed with humorous personal anecdotes, practical examples, and stories of real-life rebelutionaries in action. This rallying cry from the heart of an already-happening teen revolution challenges a generation to lay claim to a brighter future, starting today.

The Atheist Delusion DVD

无神论者的迷思(DVD), The Atheist Delusion DVD, 無神論者的迷思(DVD)

Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. “The Atheist Delusion” pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the obvious. It introduces you to a number of atheists who you will follow as they go where the evidence leads, find a roadblock, and enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.       

From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Master” and the hit movies “180” and “Evolution vs. God,” comes the powerful film “The Atheist Delusion.” Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort

Length: 58 min

Audio languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, English 

Subtitles: English, Simlified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

Forgotten God

被遗忘的圣灵 (简), Forgotten God, 被遺忘的聖靈(簡)

From a follow up to the profound message of Crazy Love, Pastor Francis Chan offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and … the Holy Spirit. We pray in the name of all three, but how often do we live with an awareness of only the first two? As Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit—the Helper—so that we could be true and living witnesses for Christ. Unfortunately, today’s church has admired the gift but neglected to open it.

Breakthrough author Francis Chan rips away paper and bows to get at the true source of the church’s power—the Holy Spirit. Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and we are reaping the disastrous results. Thorough scriptural support and compelling narrative form Chan’s invitation to stop and remember the One we’ve forgotten, the Spirit of the living God.

Understanding True Love

比雪更白 (简), Understanding True Love, 比雪更白 (簡)


Preparing for Marriage

踏上红地毯(简), Preparing for Marriage,   踏上紅地毯(簡)

Author: Dennis Rainey Contributors: David Boehi, Brent Nelson, Jeff Schulte, Lloyd Shadrach

Publisher's Description:

You're in love, and it's the real thing. You have made a joyous decision together--a decision destined to change your lives forever: You're getting married! Now, as you plan your wedding celebration, it is time to lay the foundation for a lifetime of love and romance. Today you can begin the important, lifelong task of building a strong Christian marriage.

Created by FamilyLife, one of America's leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins--the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

Inside you'll find eight sessions of fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple, with a pastor or premarital counselor, or with a small group. Don't just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

Author Bio:

Dennis Rainey is president and CEO of FamilyLife, a division of Cru. Dennis and his wife, Barbara, have spoken at Weekend to Remember conferences around the world. Dennis serves as the daily host of the radio program FamilyLife Today. He and Barbara have authored more than two dozen books, including the bestselling Moments Together for Intimacy and Moments Together for Couples. The Raineys have six children and nineteen grandchildren.

Aging: The Fulfillment of Life

与岁月和好 (简), Aging: The Fulfillment of Life, 與歲月和好 (簡)

by Henri Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney

Publisher's Description:

We are all aging. We are each a spoke on the great wheel of life, part of the ongoing cycle of growth. In Aging, Henri J.M. Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney share some moving and inspirational thoughts on what aging means (and can mean) to all of us, whether we're in our youth, middle age, or later years.

Enhanced by some eighty-five photographs depicting various scenes from life and nature, this book shows how to make the later years a source of hope rather than a time of loneliness -- a way out of darkness into the light. "Aging," the authors write, "is not a reason for despair, but a basis of hope, not a slow decaying, but a gradual maturing, not a fate to be undergone but a chance to be embraced." And they remind us of our responsibility to incorporate the aged into the fabric of our own lives -- helping them become teachers again so they may help us repair the fragmented connections between generations.

Aging shows us all how to start fulfilling our lives by giving to others, "so that when we leave this world, we can be what we have given." It is a warm, beautiful, and caring book: a simple reaffirmation of the promise of Him, who by His aging and death brought new life to this world.

Author Bio:

Henri J. M. Nouwen was a Catholic Priest who taught at several theological institutes and universities in his home country of the Netherlands and in the United States. He shared the final years of his life with people with mental and physical disablilities at L'Arche Daybreak Community in Toronto, Canada. He died in 1996. He authoried many books on the spiritual life including Reaching Out, The Wounded Healer, and The Return of the Prodigal Son.

Go for Me to China: The Life and Work of Hudson Taylor

愿将一生献中国:戴德生晚清纪事 (简), Go for Me to China: The Life and Work of Hudson Taylor, 願將一生獻中國:戴德生晚清紀事 (簡)

by J. Kranendonk-Gijssen

Description by

I cannot understand that there are still no missionaries in China,” nine-year-old Hudson said as he and his sister Amelia were sitting on the couch with their father. “I often pray that I may become a missionary in China when I’m older.” When Hudson turned seventeen, the Lord heard his prayer and personally called him to go to China and proclaim His Name to the Chinese people. Hudson prepared for the journey by learning the Chinese language and studying to be a doctor. He began his journey when he finally had enough money. In China his faith was often put to the test, but Hudson experienced that He Who had called him was always faithful.

This book describes the life and work of the missionary Hudson Taylor (1832 – 1905). It was written for ages 11 and older.

The World Needs a Father

世界需要父亲 (简), The World Needs a Father, 世界需要父親(簡)
If the family unit is a fundamental building block of society, the nucleus of that unit is the father, and when he causes damage, the ripples affect everyone. Drawing from decades of first-hand experience and a wealth of academic research, this book delves into the depths of the catastrophe that is fatherlessness, laying it open from an academic and personal perspective, and presenting a thorough, practical solution. It will challenge you, convict you, and encourage you to be the best father you can be within your context.

Wired That Way

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
天生如此 (简), Wired That Way, 天生如此 (簡)

Do you want to understand yourself better, maximize your strengths and improve your relationships? Understanding how we are wired can enrich our lives and our relationships, helping to overcome differences that can seem irreconcilable. Instead of terminating jobs, friendships or marriage on grounds of incompatibility, it is possible to turn these relationships from dying to growing. For more than 25 years, Marita Littauer, with her mother, Florence Littauer, has helped thousands of men and women with their personal and professional relationships. In Wired That Way, Marita brings together in one book a comprehensive overview of the personality types that speaks to anyone who wants to understand and to be understood.    

From the Back Cover:

Discover Your Personality Type and Improve Your Relationships! Do you have trouble getting along with certain family members, friends or work associates? Why are people wired so differently? Learn how understanding your own personality type can help you turn terminated relationships into germinated, growing relationships! Once you understand your personality type and how you're wired, you will be ready to discover how to maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. Then, you'll learn how to quickly pick up cues about the personality of others from their body language. Your life will be enriched as you grow deeper in your faith, and quickly improve seemingly incompatible relationships with friends, family and coworkers!

Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) - Simplified script

圣经-当代译本(简), Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) - Simplified script, 聖經-當代譯本(簡)

Quick Bible Browser

圣经快阅通(简体), Quick Bible Browser, 聖經快閱通(簡體)

The Quick Bible Browser gives introductions to each book of the Bible along with a short overview and outline of each book of the Bible.

279 pp.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing (Simpl. Chinese)

让心灵歌唱的思想 (简), Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing (Simpl. Chinese), 讓心靈歌唱的思想(簡)

Sally Lloyd-Jones, Author of the Jesus Storybook Bible, produced this book as an adult version of her best-selling Children's book. With new pictures to appeal to an older audience, artist Jago beautifully illustrates Bible truths to go along with text that the author wrote in Jesus Storybook Bible.        From the Publisher's Website:  Drawing insights from creation, history, science, the writings of great thinkers, writers, preachers and more–Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing turns the reader’s eyes toward the one who loves them with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. And is designed to do one thing: make the reader’s heart sing.

This innovational devotional was Christian Book of the Year 2012–in the adult inspirational category. Read by not only children–but teens, adults and the old, Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing will create a deeper understanding of faith and build hope and joy in the heart of the reader–young or old.

Beautifully produced and designed to invite the reader linger on the page and illustrated by Jago, here’s a stunning follow up from the team who brought you the award-winning and best selling The Jesus Storybook Bible.

A book of hope, comfort and inspiration for a child’s heart – big or small.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing (English)

让心灵歌唱的思想(英), Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing (English), 讓心靈歌唱的思想(英)

Sally Lloyd-Jones, Author of the Jesus Storybook Bible, produced this book as an adult version of her best-selling Children's book. With new pictures to appeal to an older audience, artist Jago beautifully illustrates Bible truths to go along with text that the author wrote in Jesus Storybook Bible.       

From the Publisher's Website: 

Drawing insights from creation, history, science, the writings of great thinkers, writers, preachers and more–Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing turns the reader’s eyes toward the one who loves them with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. And is designed to do one thing: make the reader’s heart sing.

This innovational devotional was Christian Book of the Year 2012–in the adult inspirational category. Read by not only children–but teens, adults and the old, Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing will create a deeper understanding of faith and build hope and joy in the heart of the reader–young or old.

Beautifully produced and designed to invite the reader linger on the page and illustrated by Jago, here’s a stunning follow up from the team who brought you the award-winning and best selling The Jesus Storybook Bible.

A book of hope, comfort and inspiration for a child’s heart – big or small.

Action Bible - Old Testament Part 1

漫画圣经故事:旧约上(简), Action Bible - Old Testament Part 1, 漫畫聖經故事:舊約上 (簡)

Masterfully illustrated with stunning art from Marvel and DC Comics artist Sergio Cariello, The Action Bible is the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture.

The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible’s historical flow – and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax. The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story.

Recommended reading age range 9-12 years old and older

242 pp.

Action Bible - Old Testament Part 2

漫画圣经故事:旧约下(简), Action Bible - Old Testament Part 2, 漫畫聖經故事:舊約下 (簡)

This book starts with Samuel, and continues through Ezra, Esther, Daniel, and Nehemiah.

Masterfully illustrated with stunning art from Marvel and DC Comics artist Sergio Cariello, The Action Bible is the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture.

The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible’s historical flow – and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax. The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story.

Recommended reading age range 9-12 years old and older

286 pp

Action Bible - New Testament

漫画圣经故事:新约(简), Action Bible - New Testament, 漫畫聖經故事:新約 (簡)

 Masterfully illustrated with stunning art from Marvel and DC Comics artist Sergio Cariello, The Action Bible is the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture.

The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible’s historical flow – and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax. The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story.

Recommended reading age range 9-12 years old and older

This Volume is the New Testament account starting with the Birth of Jesus through Paul's Missionary journeys.

240 pp.

7 Mysteries of Ancient China (Chinese)

7 Mysteries of Ancient China (Chinese)

Temporarily out of Stock

Chinese and Hebrew cultures are the two longest living cultures of the world. What do they have in common? What are the secrets of their survival and continued influence around the world while other great civilizations have come and gone? Come, join us on this journey of discovery and ready for huge surprises!  Impacted by the book Faith of our Fathers by C.K. Thong, the Manga Illustrator Kelly Kozumi Shinozawa took up the challenge to put the book into Manga style for younger audiences.

7 Mysteries of Ancient China (English)

7 Mysteries of Ancient China (English)

Temporarily out of Stock

Chinese and Hebrew cultures are the two longest living cultures of the world. What do they have in common? What are the secrets of their survival and continued influence around the world while other great civilizations have come and gone? Come, join us on this journey of discovery and ready for huge surprises!  Impacted by the book Faith of our Fathers by C.K. Thong, the Manga Illustrator Kelly Kozumi Shinozawa took up the challenge to put the book into Manga style for younger audiences.

Give Them Grace

给他们恩典 (简), Give Them Grace, 給他們恩典 (簡)

Temporarily out of Stock

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus

by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

All of us want to raise good kids. And we want to be good parents. But what exactly do we mean by “good?” And is “being good” really the point? Mother-daughter team Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson contend that every way we try to make our kids “good” is simply an extension of Old Testament Law—a set of standards that is not only unable to save our children, but also powerless to change them. We must tell our kids of the grace-giving God who freely adopts rebels and transforms them into loving sons and daughters. If this is not the message your children hear, if you are just telling them to “be good,” then the gospel needs to transform your parenting too.

Give Them Grace is a revolutionary perspective on parenting that shows us how to receive the gospel afresh and give grace in abundance, helping our children know the dazzling love of Jesus and respond with heartfelt obedience.

The Knowledge of the Holy

智慧的开端:认识至圣者 (简), The Knowledge of the Holy, 智慧的開端:認識至聖者 (簡)

by A.W. Tozer

What is the nature of God? How can we recapture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit. Tozer's The Knowledge of the Holy, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God's presence in our daily lives.

Informative and inspiring, The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God's attributes---from wisdom, to grace, to mercy---and shows through prayerful and insightful discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith. It bears eloquent witness to God's majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and power of God's spirit in our daily lives.

The Tabernacle: The Way to Meet our Eternal God

会幕的真理:与永生上帝相会的途径 (繁), The Tabernacle: The Way to Meet our Eternal God (Trad. Script), 會幕的真理:與永生上帝相會的途徑(繁)

Socrates Meets Jesus

苏格拉底遇见耶稣 (简), Socrates Meets Jesus, 蘇格拉底遇見耶穌 (簡)

Description from the English book at

Socrates, the great questioner, somehow appears at Have It University (think Harvard), and begins to, as he is wont to do, ask a lot of questions. His questions pierce to the heart of various issues, causing people to reconsider their beliefs. His interactions with the students and faculty at Have It lead him to different conclusions about life and its purpose than those espoused at the great school of learning. Apologist Peter Kreeft portrays both Socrates and the prototypical university in a fascinating manner, and the result is pure literary and philosophical enjoyment.

Some would expect Socrates to fit right in with the university crowd. After all, it was Plato, Socrates' student, who first introduced the idea of an academy, a place where students could learn without any interference. But, at least as Kreeft portrays it (and he is not far removed from it, teaching at Boston College) the academy of today is vastly different than the academy that Plato (or Socrates) might have envisioned. Thus, the revived Socrates finds that instead of seeking after truth (as they should be in the academy), people do not even know what the truth is. He also finds that the highly educated may not be the wisest people in society (often they are not), and that things are rarely, if ever, taken at face value (many people think he is just pretending to be Socrates).

Socrates looks at various issues, including progress, fundamentalism, miracles, comparative religions, and others. But much of his time is spent investigating the life and claims of Jesus Christ. At first, Socrates can not understand how God could become a man, although he acknowledges that it would be within the power of God to do so. To answer his questions, Socrates begins by reading the Bible to learn about the context in which Jesus spoke and what his words may have meant. His philosophical and logical nature allows him to find some startling answers to questions about the uniqueness of Christ, Christ's view of salvation and of God, and the truth of the resurrection. Startling to those at Have It, at least, for Socrates comes to the conclusion that if the stories in the Bible about Jesus are true, then Jesus truly is the Son of God and this should totally transform the way we live. Using the Socratic method (of course), Kreeft guides readers to the fascinating possibility that Socrates would have become a Christian, had Christianity been around then.

RCUV/NIV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper- Black

双语圣经  RCUV/NIV RCUV/NIV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper- Black雙語聖經 RCUV/NIV

Temporarily out of stock.

This bilingual, compact, Bible uses the Revised Chinese Union Version, and the New International Version side-by-side. It is 4.75" x 7.5" x 1.5". Includes maps in the back.


RCUV/ESV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper - Brown

双语圣经  RCUV/ESV 棕色RCUV/ESV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper - Brown雙語聖經 RCUV/ESV 棕色

Temporarily Out of Stock

This bilingual, compact,  Bible uses the Revised Chinese Union Version, and the English Standard Version side-by-side. It is 4.75" x 7.5" x 1.5". Includes maps in the back.


RCUV/ESV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper- Orange

双语圣经  RCUV/ESV 橙色RCUV/ESV Compact Leather Bible with Zipper- Orange雙語聖經 RCUV/ESV 橙色

Temporarily Out of Stock

This bilingual, compact, Bible uses the Revised Chinese Union Version, and the English Standard Version side-by-side. It is 4.75" x 7.5" x 1.5". Includes maps in the back.

RCUV/ESV Bible - Dark Red Vinyl Cover Standard Size

和合本修订版/ESV 双语圣经 深紅塑胶封面 标准尺寸RCUV/ESV Bible -  Dark Red Vinyl Cover Standard Size和合本修訂版/ESV 雙語聖經深紅塑膠封面 標準尺寸

Revised Chinese Union Version/English Standard Version - Standard size


RCUV/ESV Bible - Blue Vinyl Cover Standard Size

和合本修订版/ESV 双语圣经 蓝色塑胶封面 标准尺寸RCUV/ESV Bible -  Blue Vinyl Cover Standard Size和合本修訂版/ESV 雙語聖經 藍色塑膠封面 標準尺寸

和合本修订版/ESV 双语圣经 蓝色塑胶封面 标准尺寸Revised Chinese Union Version/English Standard Version Bible -  Blue Vinyl Cover Standard Size和合本修訂版/ESV 雙語聖經 藍色塑膠封面 標準尺寸


CCB/NIV Bible - Paperback

CCB/NIV Bible - Paperback,圣经-当代译本/新国际板 (中英对照/软皮),經聖-當代譯本/新國際板 (中英對照/軟皮)

Because the Table of Contents has wrong page numbering for the New Testament books, we will include a corrected table of contents for each Bible.



当代 译本 / 新国际版




• 简体中文                     • Simplified Chinese Script

• 1,872页,双排版              • 1,872 pages, 2 column format

• 当代译本和新国际版           • Contemporary CCB and NIV translations

• 中文字体8.5号/英文字体9号    • 8.5 point Chinese / 9 point English text size

• 优质圣经纸张平装本           • Softcover with Quality Bible Paper

• 新旧约地图                   • Maps of the Old & New Testaments

• 度量衡一览表                 • A Table of Weights & Measures

• 经文附有脚注                 • Footnotes throughout the Bible










This parallel bilingual Bible offers a side-by-side treatment of the Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) and the English New International Version (NIV).  The NIV is the world’s most widely read and trusted contemporary English translation of the Bible.  The CCB and NIV are both clear, accurate, easy to understand and uncompromisingly faithful to the original Bible texts.  The CCB’s natural fluency and precise structure brings a fresh reading experience to its many readers.


Simplified Chinese Script/English, Chinese Contemporary Bible/New International Version(2011), Paperback, 8.5 pt. font in Chinese, 9 pt. font in English, Maps of Old and New Testaments, a Table of weights and Measures, Footnotes throughout the Bible.   From the Publisher: This parallel Bible offers a side-by side treatment of the Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) and the English New International Version. The NIV is the world's most widely read and trusted contemporary English translation of the Bible. The CCB and NIV are both clear, accurate, easy to understand and uncompromisingly faithful to the original Bible texts. The CCB's natural fluency and precise structure brings a fresh experience to its many readers.

CCB/NIV Bible - Hardback

CCB/NIV Bible - Hardback,圣经-当代译本/新国际板 (中英对照/硬皮),聖經-當代譯本/新國際板 (中英對照/硬皮)

A full case has 8 copies.


Because the Table of Contents has wrong page numbering for the New Testament books, we will include corrected table of contents pages for each Bible.




当代 译本 / 新国际版




• 简体中文                     • Simplified Chinese Script

• 1,872页,双排版              • 1,872 pages, 2 column format

• 当代译本和新国际版           • Contemporary CCB and NIV translations

• 中文字体8.5号/英文字体9号    • 8.5 point Chinese / 9 point English text size

• 新旧约地图                   • Maps of the Old & New Testaments

• 度量衡一览表                 • A Table of Weights & Measures

• 经文附有脚注                 • Footnotes throughout the Bible










This parallel bilingual Bible offers a side-by-side treatment of the Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) and the English New International Version (NIV).  The NIV is the world’s most widely read and trusted contemporary English translation of the Bible.  The CCB and NIV are both clear, accurate, easy to understand and uncompromisingly faithful to the original Bible texts.  The CCB’s natural fluency and precise structure brings a fresh reading experience to its many readers.


Simplified Chinese Script/English, Chinese Contemporary Bible/New International Version(2011), Hardback, 8.5 pt. font in Chinese, 9 pt. font in English, Maps of Old and New Testaments, a Table of weights and Measures, Footnotes throughout the Bible.   From the Publisher: This parallel Bible offers a side-by side treatment of the Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) and the English New International Version. The NIV is the world's most widely read and trusted contemporary English translation of the Bible. The CCB and NIV are both clear, accurate, easy to understand and uncompromisingly faithful to the original Bible texts. The CCB's natural fluency and precise structure brings a fresh experience to its many readers.

Because the Table of Contents for the New Testament has wrong page numbering, this book is being reduced until the next printing when this will be corrected.

Chinese Treasures 6.0 SD card

信仰宝库 6.0 SD Card, Chinese Treasures 6.0 SD card, 信仰寶庫 SD card


Amazing Special Resources Library, including many Bible translations, 175 books for evangelism, inspiration and training, over 450 digital quality hymns, over 360 children’s stories, evangelistic Hope video and more.

Download the complete list of contents (15 page PDF) by clicking here!


Thriving at College

燃烧吧!大学魂(簡), Thriving at College, 燃燒吧!大學魂(簡)

Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real World! by Alex Chediak

From the publisher:

Going to college can be exciting, anxiety inducing, and expensive! You want your child to get the most out of their college experience—what advice do you give? Thriving at College by Alex Chediak is the perfect gift for a college student or a soon-to-be college student. 
Filled with wisdom and practical advice from a seasoned college professor and student mentor, Thriving at College covers the ten most common mistakes that college students make—and how to avoid them! Alex leaves no stone unturned—he discusses everything from choosing a major and discerning one’s vocation to balancing academics and fun, from cultivating relationships with peers and professors to helping students figure out what to do with their summers. 
Most importantly, this book will help students not only keep their faith but build a vibrant faith and become the person God created them to be.

An excellent gift for high school seniors, this book can help students make the most out of their college experience.

Straight Talk DVD

直言以对DVD:性, 爱, 关系, Straight Talk DVD, 直言以對DVD:性,愛,關係

Straight Talk DVD; The Truth about Sex, Love, and Relationships by Josh McDowell

An excellent resource for teens, parents, and youth workers, this DVD provides 4 hours of instruction on God's design for sex and how to talk to your teens about sex. Topics covered include: The Power of Love, self-image, internet safety, definition of love.

Shu Fang (CD+DVD)

心底的温柔-舒方CD+DVD, Shu Fang (CD+DVD), 心底的溫柔-舒方CD+DVD

Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD

进化论的死穴 DVD, Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD, 進化論的死穴 DVD

New Arrival!

Fifteen Ph.D. scientists explain evolution's fatal flaws - in areas claimed to be its greatest strengths. Covers the following topics:

The Fossil Record, The Origin of Life, Cosmology, Genetics, Radiometric Dating, The Geologic Column, Morality and Ethics, Natural Selection                                    

Mandarin, Cantonese and English.  Subtitles in English, Simplified script Chinese, and Traditional Script Chinese.

Metamorphosis DVD - boxed version

蜕变 :蝴蝶的美态与设计 DVD, Metamorphosis DVD - boxed version, 蛻變 :蝴蝶的美態與設計 DVD

This DVD tracks the transformation of the monarch butterfly, and the migration and mating of butterflies in Central America.  These internal habits are not learned from a previous generation of butterflies, but rather they are instilled in every butterfly by the Creator of the Universe when they are born.

Full version: 64 minutes; Abridged version: 29 minutes.

There are no quantity discounts for this boxed edition.

Flight: The Genius of Birds DVD

飞翔:鸟的天赋DVD Flight DVD飛翔:鳥的天賦DVD


From the Publisher: FLIGHT is a unique wildlife documentary. An exploration of the animal kingdom from a perspective ignored by television and the scientific establishment. For instead of presenting a worldview based upon the blind, undirected process of Darwinian evolution, FLIGHT offers a compelling look at the design and purpose woven throughout the fabric of life on Earth.

FLIGHT is highlighted by technical and artistic excellence comparable to the BBC’s Planet Earth and the Academy Award winning March of the Penguins. Photographed in North America, Peru, England, Greenland and Antarctica, the film combines stunning images and computer animation with cutting-edge research and an original musical score to celebrate birds and their incomparable ability to live in the skies.

Soundtrack is in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, with subtitles in Traditional Script, Simplified script and English

Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

得人如鱼:回归圣经带门徒(簡) Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

by Francis Chan

From the Author:

Multiply is designed as a simple resource that you can use to begin making disciples. Our prayer is that it will give you the confidence you need to step out in faith and disciple the people whom God has placed in your life. The Material is a 24-session discipleship experience designed for one-on-one and group settings.

To learn more about this material in English, you can visit their website at


The Hour that Changes the World

一小时改变世界(简)The Hour that Changes the World一小時改變世界(簡)
A challenge to pray for the world daily. 

Come before God's Throne: Pray for China in 31 Days

来到施恩座前(简)Come before God's Throne: Pray for China in 31 Days來到施恩座前(簡)
This booklet is a tool to pray for China in 31 days, province by province. Scripture included on each day. 39 pp.

6 Days…Not Billions of Years! Magazine (English)

6 Days…Not Billions of Years! Magazine (English)
In beautiful magazine format, this publication addresses many of the common issues related to the age of the world around us. Evolution assumes that it would take a long time for the evolutionary process to work, but according to evidence in nature, and in the Bible, the Earth seems to be much younger than some scientists think. This magazine explains many common questions that come up in discussing this issue. 64 pp.

The Reason Why

为何我信(简), The Reason Why, 為何我信 (簡)

Author Robert A. Laidlaw, a highly successful businessman, appeals to his staff to join him in the Christian life. A landmark of modern Christian literature, The Reason Why is just as essential and compelling today as it was ninety years ago.

This classic Christian apologetic booklet has been impacting thinkers for a long time. With short chapters, this booklet will appeal to any student. Among other topics, it covers:

 Is there a God? Is the Bible true? Is man accountable? Is there divine forgiveness? 

72 pp.

About the Author

Robert A. Laidlaw was born in Dalry, Scotland in 1885 and moved with his family to New Zealand the following year. There, he became one of that country's most successful and respected businessmen. His fatherly concern for his staff led him to write The Reason Why which, since its publication in 1913, has sold tens of millions of copies and has been translated into over thirty languages.

Be Basic: Genesis

返璞归真:创世记, Be Basic: Genesis, 返璞歸真:創世記

Book study on Genesis

Be Basic, Be Obedient, Be Authentic

by Warren Wiersbe

422 pp.

Be Skillful: Proverbs

活出智慧:箴言, Proverbs: Be Skillful, 活出智慧:箴言

Proverbs: Be Skillful  by Warren Wiersbe

153 pp.

Be Amazed: Minor Prophets 1

赞美真神:小先知书1, Be Amazed: Minor Prophets 1, 讚美真神:小先知書1

Minor Prophets 1: Be Amazed by Warren Wiersbe

178 pp.

Be Concerned: Minor Prophets 2

承担使命:小先知书2, Be Concerned: Minor Prophets 2, 承擔使命:小先知書2

Minor Prophets 2: Be Concerned by Warren Wiersbe

153 pp.

Be Heroic: Minor Prophets 3

坚守异象:小先知书3, Be Heroic: Minor Prophets 3, 堅守異象:小先知書3

Minor Prophets 3: Be Heroic by Warren Wiersbe

149 pp.

America, Return Back to God

美国的迷失(简)America, Return Back to God美國的迷失(簡)

Temporarily out of stock 

This book contains 14 articles related to America's Christian heritage and some of the modern issues that it struggles with in the current culture. Some of the topics it covers are Secularism, Neo-paganism, Media influence on people and family, the ACLU, issues of marriage, and how to turn America around again. 68 pp.

A Look Inside America

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
A Look Inside America,
Exploring America's Cultural Values and Holidays - The author offers a book to help international students on our campuses with valuable information about the historical influences that caused the core values of the United States. This book has clear and concise explanations of what those values actually are and a full explanation of US holidays and what each day commemorates. "From his many years of working with international students, Bill Perry has learned how to speak and write to his audience simply and clearly. Students whose English still needs polishing will find this book to be a helpful resouce that can be readily understood." - 96 pp.

You. Need. Faith.

人需要信仰(简)You Need Faith人需要信仰(簡)

35 page Evangelistic booklet

This booklet written by a popular WeChat public account TheRoad covers three main topics: What is Man?, Basic needs of humans, and Faith. Appealing to a younger audience. 


Five Great Mysteries - bilingual

五大奥祕 (英/简),  Five Great Mysteries - bilingual, 五大奧祕(英/簡)

Booklet. 40 pp. Excellent and thorough presentation of the Gospel. Gives a clear invitation to trust Christ with an extensive suggested prayer. Also has principles for growth.

Now available in bilingual format!

Four Spiritual Laws - Bilingual Large Print

四个属灵的原则 (双语大本), Four Spiritual Laws - Bilingual Large Print, 四個屬靈的原則 (雙語大本)

Four Spiritual Laws - Bilingual Large Print. Simplified Script Chinese and English

The same content as the Four Spiritual Laws. Page size: 5.25" x 3.5" Font size: 11-12 point font


Encountering Grace DVD - 10 stories of faith - season 1

Purchase quantities to give to seekers and new believers
遇见恩典DVD 第1季, Encountering Grace DVD - season 1, 遇見恩典DVD 第1季

10 stories of faith in Mainland China. Average of 10 minutes for each story.

This is a great gift for seekers or new believers!

This is season 1 of's productions. Please visit their website for more stories of faith.

93 minutes total

Encountering Grace DVD - 10 stories of faith - Season 2

遇见恩典DVD 第2季, Encountering Grace DVD - 10 stories of faith - Season 2, 遇見恩典DVD 第2季
In this second season of Encountering Grace, there are 10 new testimonies of people who have come to faith in Christ from China. Each testimony is about 10 minutes long.

A Marriage from Heaven DVD, Guiding Word Ministries

荣美婚姻天上来 DVD, A Marriage from Heaven DVD, 榮美婚姻天上來 DVD

A set of 6 counseling sessions by Guiding Word Ministries.

by John and Grace Chao

Series Title:   A Marriage from Heaven

Session Titles:

1. A Marriage from Heaven

2. Marriage from an Eternal Perspective

3. Finding Redemption through Conflict

4. Deciphering the Relationship QR Code

5. Forgiveness in Real Life Situations

6. Love's Intervention in Domestic Violence

What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?


 236 pp. Despite the attacks against the faith, one powerful truth is undeniable: if Christ had never been born, nearly every facet of human life would be much more miserable than it is today. Arranged topically and presenting compelling, little-known historical facts, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? clearly demonstrates that an enormous array of benefits to humankind--from economics to art to government, science to civil liberties, morality to health, and beyond--would never have occurred had Jesus Christ not lived.


"Behold, I make all things new!"

"... many of mankind’s noblest and kindest deeds, and greatest accomplishments, find their motivation in love for Jesus Christ; ... to prove that truth is the purpose of this book.” 
     (excerpt from author)

Give a gift that will make an eternal impact 

"Jesus Christ, the greatest man who ever lived, changed virtually every aspect of human life – and most people don’t know it. 
Everything that Jesus Christ touched, He utterly transformed.
Despite its humble origins, the Church has made more changes on earth for the good than any other movement or force in history. To get an overview of some of the positive contributions Christianity has made through the centuries, here are a few highlights:
  • The elevation of the common man.
  • High regard for human life.
  • Benevolence and charity; the good Samaritan ethic.
  • Higher standards of justice.
  • Hospitals, which essentially began during the Middle Ages.
  • Civil liberties.
  • The elevation of women.
  • The abolition of slavery, both in antiquity and in the more modern times.
  • Modern science.
  • Universities, which also began during the Middle Ages. In addition, most of the world’s greatest universities were started by Christians for Christian purposes.
  • Literacy and education for the masses
  • Capitalism and free enterprise.
  • Representative government, particularly as it has been seen in the American experiment.
  • The separation of political powers.
  • The civilizing of many barbarian cultures.
  • The codifying and setting to writing of many of the world’s languages.
  • Greater development of art and music. The inspiration for the greatest works of art.
  • The countless changed lives transformed from liabilities into assets to society because of the gospel.
  • The eternal salvation of countless souls.
The last one mentioned, the salvation of souls, is the primary goal of the spread of Christianity. All the other benefits listed are basically just by-products of what Christianity has often brought when applied to daily living. The rest of this book is devoted to demonstrating how all of these benefits to mankind have their origins in the Christian faith…” (excerpt from the first chapter)

Spiritual Parenting

从灵开始做父母, Spiritual Parenting, 從靈開始做父母(簡)

An Awakening for Today's Families 

         It's hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn't what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this book Dr. Michelle Anthony shares practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting. Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God's Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him.         

 Dr. Michelle Anthony is the vice president of Curriculum and Family Ministry Architect at David C Cook. She is the author of Dreaming of More for the Next Generation, The Spiritually Formed Family, and The Big God Story. Dr. Anthony has over 25 years of church ministry and leadership experience in children's and family ministries.

The Family in Christian Living

家庭生活(简)The Family in Christian Living 家庭生活 (簡)


An important booklet for every family no matter what stage of life you are in. It covers key areas of marriage, communication, arguing, parenthood, teenagers, mid-life crisis, in-law relationships, and the elderly. There is truly something in here for every family. 151 pp.

Jesus Storybook Bible (English)

Jesus Storybook Bible (English)

Every Story Whispers His Name. 

Beautifully written and illustrated, The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God's great story of salvation -  and at the center of their story too.   This book takes the whole Bible to tell the Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby, the Child upon whom everything would depend. From Noah to Moses to King David, every story whispers his name. Jesus is like the missing piece in a puzzle - the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together.  

Ages 4 and up.  351 pp.

Sally Lloyd-Jones

Children's Illustrated Bible - 100 NT Stories

童悦圣经-新约选读100篇 [简], Children's Illustrated Bible - 100 NT Stories, 童悅聖經-新約選讀100篇 [簡]


ISBN 978 962 293 2104
Language: Simplified Script Chinese
Version: Revised Chinese Union Version
Format: Horizontal
Cover: Colorful Paperback Cover
Size 19cm x 26cm
Publisher: Hong Kong Bible Society
Remark: Shangti Edition


Grasping God's Word

圣经释经之旅 (简), Grasping God's Word, 聖經釋經之旅(簡)

A Hands-On Approach To Reading, Interpreting, And Applying The Bible

Understanding the Bible correctly and rightly relating its meaning to life require using the right approach and tools to dig deeper into Scripture. This popular text—Grasping God’s Word by Old Testament scholar J. Daniel Hays and New Testament expert J. Scott Duvall, now revised and updated—is an indispensable guide to reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible that teaches students how to read the Word of God carefully and in context.

by J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hayes

Creation Answers Book (simplified Chinese)


创世答问 (), Creation Answers Book (simplified Chinese), 創世答問 ()

The Creation Answers Book provides biblical answers to over 60 important questions that everyone wants to know on creation/evolution and the Bible! Not only does it answer your own questions, but equips you to effectively respond to those that resist the Gospel due to worldly teaching on origins. This important work is a ‘must have’ for anyone’s library!

Includes answers to over 60 of the most-asked questions in the following 20 categories:

  • Does God exist?
  • Six days? Really?
  • What about gap theories?
  • What about carbon-14 dating?
  • How can we see distant starlight in a young universe?
  • What about arguments for evolution?
  • How did bad things come about?
  • Who was Cain’s wife?
  • Were the ‘sons of God’ and/or the ‘nephilim’ extra-terrestrials?
  • Was the Flood global?
  • What about continental drift?
  • What about all that water?
  • How did all the animals fit on the Ark?
  • How did fresh/saltwater fish survive?
  • Where are all the human fossils?
  • How could animals get to places like Australia?
  • Were there really ice ages?
  • How did the different races arise?
  • What about dinosaurs?
  • What can I do?

FREE study guide available at

The authors are Dr Don Batten (contributing editor), Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland

Format: Soft cover

Audience: High School–Adult


What are Christmas and Easter All About?

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
关于圣诞节与复活节的一切, What are Christmas and Easter All About?, 關于聖誕節與複活節的一切

Great evangelism tool!

The purpose of this book is to explain the most important story in the Holy Bible. It is a story that tells us what Christmas and Easter are all about. However the book doesn't stop with the stories of these two festivals. It explains much more. It tells us the Bible's answers to life, death, and life after death. It helps us understand what the Bible is all about! This book is written in EasyEnglish, which means all ages can benefit from it. If English is a difficult language for you to read, this book will be helpful.

Pilgrim's Progress - Hardcover

天路歷程 (簡), Pilgrim's Progress - Hardcover, 天路歷程 (簡)

by Paul Bunyan.    Includes some illustrations in the first few chapters.  350 pp.


The Cross Puzzle - Deluxe Version

The Cross Puzzle - Deluxe Version

The Cross Puzzle captures the imagination.
The Cross Puzzle is very difficult to figure out.  But once you know the secret, it is very easy to unlock. It engages the mind and opens the door for great conversations.  The Pocket CrossPuzzle is also made of cherry wood and can be carried in the pocket or purse so it is readily available as a conversation starter.

Use Scripture and the Christian Life to explain the solution to this challenging cross puzzle. Designed by an engineer, this Cross puzzle is a unique way to begin a discussion about Christ and the importance of the cross.

See the video below in English for an introduction.


If you want to watch how this unique puzzle is solved, watch the video below.

Story of Hope

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
盼望的故事(简), Story of Hope, 盼望的故事(簡)

The Story of Hope contains a “shrinkable and expandable” (accordion-like) presentation, consisting of 40 pages, for telling or teaching the Bible’s big redemptive story in as few as fifteen minutes or as long as twenty or more hours. It is designed for evangelistic Bible studies, one-on-one or in small groups, but is also helpful in teaching God’s redemptive plan to believers.

Forty strategically selected Bible events, twenty from the Old Testament and twenty from the New Testament, comprise this version of The Story of Hope. Each event is beautifully visualized. A set of evangelism-focused Bible study questions is included in the material for each event. The study book also includes colorful maps of the Bible lands, highlighting where the events occurred, as well as a very informative visual of the Old Testament’s tabernacle in the wilderness. The Chronological Bridge to Life, which follows the study of the redemptive story, summaries eight essential “eternal life or death truths” that emerge from the Bible’s story of hope.


·         Introduction to the Bible and its Big Story

·         Instructions for Self-Study and Group Study Leaders

·         Map of Holy Land (Canaan/Palestine)

·         Map of the Ancient Near East (Middle East)

·         Visual of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness

·         The Story of Hope

Old Testament Events

New Testament Events

The Eternal God

Birth of Jesus of Nazareth

Creation of the Earth

John the Baptist’s Proclamation

Creation of Mankind

Temptations by Satan

Fall of Lucifer

Miracles of Jesus

Beginning of Human Sin

Encounter with a Religious Leader

Origin of Death

Encounter with a Samaritan Woman

Promise of a Satan Conqueror

Teachings about Hell

Provision of Coverings

Claims of Oneness with God

Banishment from Eden

Betrayal of Jesus

The Great Flood

Appearances before Unjust Judges

Promises to Abraham

Crucifixion of Jesus

Offering of Isaac

A Repentant Dying Thief

Moses’ Call to Leadership

Resurrection of Jesus

The Plagues and Passover

Ascension of Jesus

Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt

Peter Proclaims the Good News

The Ten Commandments

Jesus’ Return for Believers

Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Jesus’ Return as King

Bronze Serpent

Satan’s Final Doom

Reign of King David

Dreadful Destiny for Unbelievers

Prophecies of a Coming Messiah

Blissful Destiny for Believers

The Chronological Bridge to Life
Eight Essential Truths Emerge from the Story of Hope

What we have learned about God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, the Cross, Faith, and Eternal Life

Bilingual Gospel of John (CUV/ESV) with Bilingual Gospel presentation - New!

简体字资源中心 Chinese Resource Ministry

约翰福音 -中英双语, 包括福音书介绍 (简体中文), Gospel of John - bilingual, with Gospel presentation, 約翰福音 - 雙語, 包括福音書介紹 (簡)

Available Now!

This newly printed booklet also includes the bilingual Five Great Mysteries Gospel Presentation inside (item D2-7B)

The Gospel of John is an eyewitness account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. John wrote this account with a special theme in mind that he states near the end: "But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life." John 20:31  

Good and Evil Illustrated Bible Storybook

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
善与恶, Good and Evil Illustrated Bible Storybook, 善與惡

 Sacrifice. War. Temptation. Betrayal. Hope. Redemption.

A 320-page, award-winning graphic novel depicting the Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation, written by Michael Pearl and featuring spectacular full-color artwork by former Marvel Comic artist Danny Bulanadi.

 “No Greater Joy” ministry has made an English animated version of their book Good and EvilClick here to see the English version on Youtube

Hope in God's Love

他乡遇故知--神的爱里有希望(简), Hope in God's Love, 他鄉遇故知--神的愛里有希望(簡)

Temporarily out of stock

Click here to download a pdf copy of the book!


·         本书理论与实证相结合,论述人的种种破碎;见证与经文相呼应展示神的全智全能与全爱

·         本书援引和应用《圣经》中25本经卷的150多处经文,让人知道《圣经》的至珍至宝

·         本书资料详实,图文并茂,共有近50个表格和图示,使人容易理解丰富的真理与事实

·         本书推荐包括6个版本圣经在内的21本进一步阅读书籍及22首相关的经典美妙圣诗,教人感受基督信仰的美好和奥秘智慧

·         本书各章均有供个人思考或小组讨论的系列问题,助人透过自我的生命历程而进入属神的真理



·         这本书可以用于向你深爱着的家人和朋友分享父神深藏厚爱的真理及其对每个人生命的宝贵意义!

·         也可以用于给你身边的同学、同事、学生和学者带去神的无限祝福!

·         更可以帮助已经认识神的你更深地体会他对你和每一个人所倾注的长阔高深的大爱、他所赐下的无限美妙智慧,以及他因着爱和智慧所施展的奇能异事!


Hope in God’s LoveEncountering Your Soulmate in a Strange Land

Ch 1: Human Extremity Is God’s Opportunity!

Ch 2: The Brokenness of Personal Life and God’s Merciful Salvation

Ch 3: The Brokenness of Marriage and Family and God’s Merciful Healing

Ch 4: The Brokenness of Educational Dreams and God’s Merciful Wisdom

Ch 5: The Brokenness of Society and God’s Merciful Power

Ch 6: The Establishment of the Church and God’s Merciful Authority



Desire to Grow Holistically

全人成长的渴望(简) Desire to Grow Holistically 全人成長的渴望(簡)
Temporarily Out of stock

Understanding Current Generation of Chinese

Understanding Current Generation of Chinese
Understanding the Current Generation of Chinese students - 35 pages

Understanding Current Generation of Chinese

Understanding Current Generation of Chinese
Understanding the Current Generation of Chinese - 35 pages

Accompany: The Most Beautiful Companionship

同行:最美的陪伴 (简), Accompany: The Most Beautiful Companionship, 同行:最美的陪伴 (简)

by Ki-Ro Jung

Chinese Treasures 6.0 DVD

信仰宝库, Chinese Treasures 6.0 DVD, 信仰寶庫

 Out of Stock

Amazing Special Resources Library, including many Bible translations, 175 books for evangelism, inspiration and training, over 450 digital quality hymns, over 360 children’s stories, evangelistic Hope video and more.

Download the complete list of contents (15 page PDF) by clicking here!



Streams in the Desert


荒漠甘泉 (简) - Streams in the Desert - 荒漠甘泉 (簡)

“Fresh water from a time-tested fountainhead of faith” 
-- Dr. Gary Smalley
Give a gift that will make an eternal impact 



For years, the beloved classic devotional Streams in the Desert has sustained and replenished God's weary desert travelers. Now, bursting forth like a sparkling-clear river of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration, this updated edition of Streams in the Desert promises to revive and refresh today's generations of faithful sojourners.

"Streams in the Desert" has become one of the two most beloved daily devotional books of all time. It has been a source of hope, encouragement, comfort, and strength for millions of people through the years, and has remained a perennial bestseller. L. B. Cowman, who first published the original edition, was an American missionary in the Orient with her husband, Charles. Streams in the Desert is a compilation of Cowman's favorite writings from some of the best-known Christians over the last several centuries, including Charles Spurgeon, F. B. Meyer, Andrew Murray, A. B. Simpson, and Hannah Whitall Smith, just to name a few. By adding appropriate Scripture passages, poems, and some of her own writings to these great truths by other great Christians, she ultimately compiled one devotional reading for each day of the year. The enduring power of Streams in the Desert is the result of the selections being firmly based on the truth of Scripture.

Mrs. Charles E. Cowman worked as a pioneer missionary with her husband in Japan and China from 1901 to 1917, during which time they helped found the Oriental Missionary Society. When Mr. Cowman's poor health forced the couple to return to the United States, Mrs. Cowman turned her attention to caring for her husband until his death six years later. Out of Mrs. Cowman's experiences and heartbreak came her first book, Streams in the Desert, followed by its companion Springs in the Valley. During the next twenty-five years, Mrs. Cowman inspired several nationwide Scripture distribution campaigns and wrote seven more books. Finally, on Easter Sunday in 1960, at the age of ninety, Mrs. Cowman met face-to-face the God she had served so faithfully for nearly a century

Streams in the Desert (with John and 1 John)

荒漠甘泉附约翰福音/约翰一书(简)Streams in the Desert (with John and 1 John) 荒漠甘泉附約翰福音/約翰一書 (簡)
This edition of the classic devotional book includes the Gospel of John and Epistle of 1 John at the end of the book.

Q & A of the Gospel Handbook


Q & A of the Gospel Handbook, 福音疑难解答,福音疑難解答


New Printing!

100 pp. Includes 118 Questions and Answers in the following Categories: Does God Exist? Is it possible for God to fail? Who is Jesus? Why do you call me a Sinner? Do humans have souls? How do you prove the Bible is trustworthy? What does Believing in Jesus mean? Will the Resurrection and the Endtimes really Occur? Do Heaven and Hell really Exist? How do we distinguish between the True God and idols? Why I do not Believe? Why must I believe in Jesus? How do I live a Christian Life?

This new edition also includes the Five Great Mysteries Gospel Presentation at the end.



Archaeology and the Bible



, Archaeolgy and the Bible,


Archaeology and the Bible

Walk through the ancient past


From Abraham to Jesus, walk through the ancient past and uncover evidence for the Bible's historical claims. This book will strengthen your faith in the reliability of the Word of God, and will equip you to answer the honest questions of those you minister to. This resource would also make a great gift for a seeking friend.

Oracle Bones Speak (Bilingual)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
甲骨揭秘 (双语), Oracle Bones Speak, 甲骨揭秘 (雙語)

Bilingual edition of God's Promise to the Chinese People.

Shows amazing parallels between the earliest forms of numerous characters of the Chinese language and the Genesis account of man's early history. This evidence supports the thesis that the ancient Chinese had a true knowledge of the biblical account of earth's beginnings. 


Historical Perspectives of Eternity

与永恒有关的30个观念(简), Historical Perspectives of Eternity, 與永恆有關的30個觀念 (簡)

226 pp.

Reasonable Faith (set of 3 books)

理性信仰(简)一套三册, Reasonable Faith (set of 3 books), 理性信仰 (簡)一套三冊 




Genesis Account (English)

Genesis Account (English)

By Dr. Jonathan D. Sarfati


A theological, historical, and scientific commentary on Genesis 1-11. 785 pages. English material.

Young Earth (Revised Edition)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
年轻的地球 (简), Young Earth, 年輕的地球 (簡)

This 2015 updated and revised version of John Morris' classic work The Young Earth was originally published in 1994. The text is illustrated with beautiful color photographs, charts, and updated art, providing a book suitable for young and old alike. Dr. Morris, the president of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), presents a versatile, deep, comprehensive work demonstrating how God's Word can be trusted concerning both science and history.

Soft Cover 8.25”x 10.75”160 Pages

If You Bite and Devour One Another

你们若想咬相吞(简), If You Bite and Devour One Another, 你們若相咬相吞(简)
Conflict in churches is a pervasive problem we know all too well. If You Bite & Devour One Another is the only book of its kind, examining all the biblical passages on conflict and outlining key scriptural principles for handling various kinds of conflicts among Christian--whether personal disputes, issues of Christian liberty in lifestyles, congregational matters, or disagreements about important doctrines. The book emphasizes Spirit-controlled attitudes and behaviors through solid Bible exposition and true-to-life stories of Christians handling real-life conflicts in a Christ-honoring way.



盼望, The Hope DVD, 盼望

Out of Stock

The HOPE is an epic 80-minute dramatic motion picture overview of the story of God's promise for all people as revealed in the Bible. If you are looking for hope and a reason to believe, or if you are just curious about what it means to have faith in God, you've come to the right place.

 Click here to watch the video online

Click here for a study guide in English for the Hope Video

Click here to see a study guide in Chinese for the Hope Video

Why I Believe in Jesus

我为什么信耶稣(简), Why I Believe in Jesus, 我為什麼信耶穌(簡)

Testimony of Yuan Zhiming

True Spiritual Roots for All Chin- Simp/Engl

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
饮水思源-中国人的信仰根源 (简/英), True Spiritual Roots for All Chin- Simp, 飲水思源-中國人的信仰根源 (簡/英)
  Bilingual version!
Do you know where your true roots really are?

Through historical comparison and discourse, this booklet explains the true spiritual and religious roots of the Chinese people. Are your true spiritual and religious roots found in Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Atheism, or even Christianity!? You will find out the exciting answers to these questions and more in this 30 page booklet! The new edition is bilingual and includes the website and QR code to a 60 minute video presentation!

This is a powerful evangelistic resource!

Watch an excerpt from the DVD presentation on Youtube

How did the Chinese know that Shang-ti accepted only blood and burnt sacrifices? How is it possible that the Chinese have a custom of offering sacrifices to Shang-ti so similar to the Jews' sacrifices to Jehovah? How did the Chinese know that they were NOT to make an idol of Shang-ti? 

The historical account found in the Holy Bible agrees amazingly well with the account found in Chinese history! These practices began with Noah's sacrifice to the God of Heaven upon exiting the ark after the Flood.
The Supreme God Shang-ti 上帝 has always left himself a witness from the very beginning to the present day so that we might come to know him personally. He has never ignored nor forsaken the Chinese people. He is the sovereign God who has created all things, and has made the Chinese the most populous people group in the world. God must love the Chinese very much! Throughout our history, we drank from the river of God's abundant blessing. The famous Chinese proverb 飲水思源 literally means "when you drink water, remember the source". 

It is time to acknowledge the true source of all our blessings in the eternal God Shang-ti. Will you return to your roots now in the Eternal God, Shang-ti? Shang-ti sent His one and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for your sins and mine.


Who is Shang Ti? (simplified Chinese)

上帝是谁?(简), Who is Shang Ti? (simplified Chinese), 上帝是誰?(簡)

China's Blood Covenant w/ Shang Ti (simpl.)

圣爱盟约 (简), China's Blood Covenant w/ Shang Ti (simpl.), 聖愛盟約 (簡)

RCUV/ESV Compact Hardback Bible

双语圣经  RCUV/ESV, RCUV/ESV Compact Hardback Bible, 雙語聖經 RCUV/ESV

 Temporarily Out of Stock

Revised Chinese Union Version/English Standard Version Compact Bible. Includes imprinted books of the Bible on the side, and maps in the back. Size 7.5" x 5"


RCUV Audio Bible MP3 - Mandarin

圣经和合本修订版 MP3, RCUV Audio Bible MP3 - Mandarin, 聖經和合本修訂版 MP3
Mandarin Audio Bible of the Revised Chinese Union Version Bible.  Includes 71 hours of recording for the Old Testament, and 22 hours of recording for the New Testament on MP3.

A Pearl Necklace

珍珠项链, A Pearl Necklace, 珍珠項鍊


Stanford-graduate and successful career woman tries to balance family and career
Chinese-American wife's marital crisis caused twists and turns in life
Mother of a child with autism experiences joy and strength from the Lord   259 pp.


Salt and Light - Vol. 2 (Chinese)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry

 光与盐(第二卷)(簡)(简), Salt and Light - Vol. 2 (Chinese), 鹽和光 II(簡)

Dr. Carol Lee Hamrin/Stacey Bieler. Presents the life stories of outstanding Chinese Christians who, as early modernizers, promoted China’s nation building and moral progress in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These role models of believers who impacted society are largely unknown today, but they can inspire new generations of Chinese, both believers and unbelievers.  New and exciting resource to awaken interest in Christianity among intellectuals.  This Volume 2 in Chinese is a selection of biographies from Salt and Light book 2 and 3 in English. Chinese Simplified version.


Read this description from the author as written up by

Stacey Bieler together with Carol Hamrin edited three volumes of Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China. Here she talks about how Salt and Light came to be and the impact it has had on her own life.

3 Questions

1. What is the Salt and Light series?

Salt and Light is a three-volume series of short biographies of Chinese Christians who lived between 1850-1990. Each volume focuses on 8-10 different people. The second volume has two chapters with second-generation stories: a man named Yan and his son, and the Xu family—parents and children.

Although we could have focused a volume on just educators, we chose not to because Chinese Christians were active in so many aspects of Chinese society. The biographies include a writer, a filmmaker, a businessman, a diplomat, YMCA and YWCA directors, a philosopher, cultural commentators, a judge, social activists, doctors, literacy and rural workers, an artist, and a general.

In writing the articles, we asked each author to not just tell the story of what the person was known for, but to include information about their families and how their Christian faith motivated their actions. Many were active in their professions, but also invested in helping to address societal problems, such as promoting literacy, protecting children, and fighting leprosy. These individuals were also active in local church life, some helping to establish local churches.

To read the rest of this article click here to see it on the China Source Website.

Because of Love (Simplified Chinese)

Because of Love (Simplified Chinese)
An overview of the biblical view of marriage and family relationships. Includes topics on the role of men and women in marriage, raising children, relationships with elderly, singleness, etc

Fortune Proverbs DVD (set of 5) - Free

财富箴言 DVD (5 套), Fortune Proverbs DVD (set of 5), 財富箴言 DVD (5 套)


A group of entrepreneurs from various areas of China's business world explain about their personal testimony and business growth story. Because of their values, they inspire people to think about how to deal with work and wealth, encouraging others who are entrepreneurs.

This set includes all 5 DVDs in the series, with a total of 20 different testimonies.

These DVDs are PAL DVDs and will most likely only play on computers, probably not on US DVD machines.


福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
得分!上帝的豪小子, Linspired, 得分!上帝的豪小子

Great tool for introductory evangelism, to help you connect with undergraduate and high school students...

Linspired reveals the remarkable journey of the ultimate underdog, Jeremy Lin, superstar of the New York Knicks and the first American-born player of Chinese/Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA. In spite of being cut by two NBA teams before he signed with the Knicks, Lin always trusted that God had a plan for his life and his talents: 'I'm not exactly sure how it is all going to turn out, but I know for a fact that God has called me to be here now in the NBA,' says Lin in Linspired. After weeks of sitting at the end of the bench, a teammate's injury finally placed Lin on the court. Since then, he has captivated sports fans throughout the world with his tremendous skill and humble response to 'Linsanity.'

Weighing in on this phenomenon are tennis's Michael Chang, the first notable Asian-American athlete, Lin's pastor, Stephen Chen, and Pat Williams, senior vice president of the Orlando Magic. Other features include eight pages of full-color photos and in-depth interviews with Lin himself. Here is the remarkable inside story of the meteoric rise of Jeremy Lin.

Living with Wisdom

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
智慧人生, Living with Wisdom, 智慧人生
This book is a complete consolidation of the 20 lectures anthology. "How to live a wise life?" Author biblical book of Proverbs word in reply, that is: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Book is divided into four parts, including: cognitive papers, money articles, emotional articles, life articles. Many of the teachings of the Bible applications to respond to the many problems of modern people in the workplace, the family, social as well as all levels of church life are facing, especially in the depths of the human heart can not avoid the ultimate questions, such as, "Who are you? "'why are you born?'" where you are going? "" You Palao it? "" Are you afraid of the poor do? "" do you fear death? "
This book is suitable for all readers to find the meaning of life, for modern people, especially those living with faith guide workplace people.

The Remnant of Israel

以色列余民(简), The Remnant of Israel, 以色列餘民(簡)

The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community    By Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum  181 pp.

From the Publisher's Website:

 Thirty-five years after the publication of Hebrew Christianity: Its Theology, History, and Philosophy, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum has again surveyed the rapidly changing face of the Messianic Jewish Community. The Remnant of Israel: The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community, is an update on the growing and diversifying community of Jews who have found favor with God by receiving Jesus as Messiah. Written by a Messianic Jew for Jew and Gentile alike, here is an articulate survey of the biblical position of the Messianic Jew in the setting of community. Dr. Fruchtenbaum again assesses how this community is distinctive and how it relates to the Jewish people, the Law of Moses, the local church, the State of Israel, missions, and many other timely topics. The rapid growth of the Messianic Jewish community has provoked interest as well as offense. Here is what is happening in the lives of Messianic Jews and how they and their movement relate their faith to the rest of the world.


Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels

四福音的和谐(简), Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels, 四福音的和諧(簡)

This Harmony of the Gospels gives insight into the Jewish Culture and the meanings of Jewish expressions that the writers of the Four Gospels used.  By A.T. Robertson  227 pp.

From the Publisher's Website:

A Harmony of the Gospels

by A.T. Robertson

For more than a generation John A. Broadus' Greek work has been the standard Harmony of the Gospels. It has gone through many editions. Professor Robertson, Famous the world over as a New Testament scholar, has rewritten and rearranged Broadus' book, using for his text the Revised Version, and bringing to bear on it all the light of the latest findings in the field of New Testament research. College and Seminary Students, Sunday School teachers and Pupils, Preachers and all Bible students will find this new Harmony unequalled for study purposes. A. T. Robertson is late Professor of Interpretation of New Testament Greek, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

Ha-Mashiach: Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures

希伯来圣经中的弥赛亚(简), Ha-Mashiach: Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures, 希伯來聖經中的彌賽亞(簡)


From the Publisher's Website: Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (formerly entitled Messianic Christology, now freshly reformatted with an updated introduction) is a study of prophecy concerning the First Coming of the Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows from The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.

When the messianic expectations of Hebrew prophecy are fully understood, it becomes clear who alone can fulfill these requirements.

Do You Know?
That Chavah (Eve) mistakenly thought she had given birth to the promised God-Man?
That there are two distinct prophesies in Isaiah 7, one to the wicked king Ahaz and another to the whole house of David?
That Daniel 9 is only one of seven prophesies that insist upon Messiah’s appearance on earth before a very significant historical event?
That the covenant recorded in II Samuel 7 refers to a different person than the parallel passage in I Chronicles 17?
Why Lamech believed his son was to be the Messiah?
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures is an absorbing study that will answer these and many more questions, strengthen your faith, bless your heart, and invigorate your worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
愤怒,爱的另一面, Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way, 憤怒,愛的另一面

We live in an angry society. From road rage to workplace incidents to marital bickering, out-of-control anger is all around us. How can we handle our anger--and help those we love with theirs? How can we teach our children to deal with their anger? And what about those long-simmering feelings of anger toward people in our past? What's the difference between "bad" and "good" anger? Bestselling author and relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman offers helpful--and sometimes surprising--insights on why we get angry, what we can do about it, and how we can use anger for good.


Discovering God: Devotional Journey Through the Bible

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
寻便寻见, Discovering God: Devotional Journey Through the Bible, 尋便尋見

Here is a collection of 180 transforming stories - at least one from each book of the Bible. With characteristic style and insight, Philip Yancey reveals God's plan for the planet and each of us in these devotional readings.



Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD (English boxed edition)

进化论的死穴 DVD, Evolution's Achilles' Heel DVD, 進化論的死穴 DVD

Fifteen Ph.D. scientists explain evolution's fatal flaws - in areas claimed to be its greatest strengths. Covers the following topics:

The Fossil Record, The Origin of Life, Cosmology, Genetics, Radiometric Dating, The Geologic Column, Morality and Ethics, Natural Selection                                    

Soundtrack is in English with subtitles available in English, Afrikaans, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Dutch, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish   NTSC DVD (ideal for North America)

Evolution's Achilles' Heel (English)

进化论的死穴(英文), Evolution's Achilles' Heel (English), 進化論的死穴 (英文)
Nine Ph.D. scientists explain evolution'sfatal flaws - in areas claimed to be its greatest strengths. Covers the following topics: The Fossil Record, The Origin of Life, Cosmology, Genetics, Radiometric Dating, The Geologic Record, Morality and Ethics, Natural Selection

15 Reasons to take Genesis as History

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
创世记 - 是历史著作的15个理据[简], 15 Reasons to take Genesis as History, 創世記 -是歷史著作的15個理據[簡]

This small book succinctly shows why those who believe in the inspiration of Scripture have no intellectually honest choice but to take Genesis as straight-forward history, just as Jesus did. It powerfully challenges one of the major problems in the church today that affects the authority of the entire Bible. Read it, and give it to your pastor or particularly anyone contemplating theological training—kit could save them from getting derailed by some of the misleading arguments common in theological academia.

For a Free Complimentary Copy, please click the link below this description to be redirected to the appropriate page. Then please add only one to your cart. Thank you!

Testimony of Dr. Esther Su


会见一非凡的家[], Testimony of Dr. Esther Su, 會見一非凡的家 []

All 4 of her children enrolled in the university between 10 and 14 years old. (now adult)  They fully believe, historically and  scientifically, that  the Genesis records of the Bible are reliable.

MacDonald's OT/NT Commentary

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
, MacDonald's OT/NT Commentary,

New Life, New Living - Student Edition

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
, New Life, New Living - Student Edition,

New Life, New Living - Leader's Edition

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
, New Life, New Living - Leader's Edition,

Mountain Rain

山雨-富能仁传(简), Mountain Rain, 山雨-富能仁傳(簡)


Biography of James Fraser - missionary to Lisu people in Western China

James Fraser was only 22 years old when he abandoned a promising engineering career and went to China. At first sight of the Lisu tribespeople of Yunnan province he felt an immediate affection for them. For the rest of his life, he traveled on horseback over rugged mountains, laboring to bring the Lisu the good news of Christ. Packed with personal letters, insightful anecdotes, and riveting stories of missionary life in China, this superb biography by his daughter shines with God's constant faithfulness and power over evil.


JESUS Film DVD - American Cities Edition

耶稣传, Jesus DVD - American Cities Edition, 耶穌傳
The Life of Jesus DVD in 24 different languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Vietnamese, Korean, and more. Also includes subtitles in Chinese, English, French, and Russian. Does not include the Story of Jesus for Children.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 1: His Teaching

凯勒牧师讲章:真正的耶稣系列(一)耶稣的教训(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 1: His Teaching凱勒牧師講章:真正的耶穌系列(一)耶穌的教訓(簡)
99 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 2: His Life

凯勒牧师讲章:真正的耶稣系列(二)耶稣的生平(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 2: His Life凱勒牧師講章:真正的耶穌系列(二)耶穌的生平(簡)

Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 3: The King

凯勒牧师讲章:真正的耶稣系列(三)君王(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 3: The King凱勒牧師講章:真正的耶穌系列(三)君王(簡)
70 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 4: The Lord

凯勒牧师讲章:真正的耶稣系列(四)主(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Real Jesus Part 4: The Lord凱勒牧師講章:真正的耶穌系列(四)主(簡)
111 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Understanding Jesus

凯勒牧师讲章:认识耶稣系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Understanding Jesus凱勒牧師講章:認識耶穌系列(簡)
98 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-The Gospel, Hope and the World

凯勒牧师讲章:福音、盼望和世界系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-The Gospel, Hope and the World凱勒牧師講章:福音、盼望和世界系列(簡)
112 pp. It talks about  the hope of the world, the poor, the life, family, work, church, money and city

Tim Keller's Sermons-New Birth

凯勒牧师讲章:重生的生命系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-New Birth凱勒牧師講章:重生的生命系列(簡)
83 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Knowing about the Holy Spirit

凯勒牧师讲章:认识圣灵系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Knowing about the Holy Spirit凯勒牧师讲章:認識聖靈系列(簡)
86 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Heaven and Hell

凯勒牧师讲章:天堂与地狱系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Heaven and Hell凱勒牧師講章:天堂與地獄系列(簡)

28 pp.

Tim Keller's Sermons-Doctrine

凯勒牧师讲章:教义系列(简)Tim Keller's Sermons-Doctrine凱勒牧師講章:教義系列(簡)
56 pp.