愛巢永築 (簡)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
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爱巢永筑 (简), Pressure-Proof Your Marriage, 愛巢永築 (簡)

Publisher's Description:
The husband gets pulled one way and the wife another, their harried lives barely intersecting. Sadly, this is an accurate description of many marriages today. Endless pressure has made couples overloaded, overcommitted, and unhealthy. Now, FamilyLife's Dennis and Barbara Rainey examine the sources of their stress and list practical, biblical strategies for dealing with it. Couples can be smarter in their choices about handling life. The Raineys show them how to see pressure not as a source of distress and isolation, but as an opportunity to build oneness with each other and with the Lord.

Is Pressure Tearing Your Marriage Apart?

Medical bills, car problems, headstrong children...it may seem like there’s a conspiracy against the two of you.

But you can ward off the number one killer of marriages—pressure—before it’s too late. In this valuable book, you’ll measure your pressure level and discover six courageous choices that will lead you on God’s path to easing the stress.

Let Dennis and Barbara Rainey guide you to a pressure-proof partnership, walking arm in arm through the best days of your married life.  126 pp.