

The Five Love Languages

爱的五种语言(修订版)——创造完美的两性沟通, the Five Love Languages, 愛的五種語言(修訂版)——創造完美的兩性溝通



New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their companion’s primary love language—quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.

By learning the five love languages, you and your partner will discover your unique love languages and learn practical steps in truly loving each other. Chapters are categorized by love language for easy reference, and each one ends with specific, simple steps to express a specific language to your partner and guide your relationship in the right direction. A specially designed love languages assessment will help you understand and strengthen your relationship. 


A Marriage from Heaven DVD, Guiding Word Ministries

荣美婚姻天上来 DVD, A Marriage from Heaven DVD, 榮美婚姻天上來 DVD

A set of 6 counseling sessions by Guiding Word Ministries.

by John and Grace Chao

Series Title:   A Marriage from Heaven

Session Titles:

1. A Marriage from Heaven

2. Marriage from an Eternal Perspective

3. Finding Redemption through Conflict

4. Deciphering the Relationship QR Code

5. Forgiveness in Real Life Situations

6. Love's Intervention in Domestic Violence

For Men only

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
给男人的幸福秘笈, For Men only, 給男人的幸福秘笈

If you’re like most men, you’ve burned up lots of energy trying to figure out what a woman wants, what makes her tick, how to make her happy. 

The good news: success is simpler than you ever thought.  In their groundbreaking classic, For Men Only, Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal the eye-opening truths and simple acts that will radically improve your relationship with the woman you love. For example: 
·   Why she can’t “just not think about” something that’s bothering her  
·   How to get her real answers without games
·   How your provider instinct can actually cause her heartache – and what to do about it
·   Why “not tonight, honey” may not mean what you think 
·   Why listening to her feelings is so hard for a guy, and a fix-it plan that works
·   Why her “I do” at the altar will always mean, “do you?” and the answer that rocks her world

For Women Only

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
给你的悄悄话, For Women Only, 給你的悄悄話

The man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they’re there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to “get” him—to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you.
In her landmark bestseller, For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn reveals what every woman—single or married—needs to know. Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another, including:
• Why your respect means more to him than your love.
• How he feels deep inside about his role as provider.
• What it means for a man to be so visually “wired.”
• Why sex for him is primarily emotional, not physical.
• What he most wishes he could say to you.

The Family in Christian Living

家庭生活(简)The Family in Christian Living 家庭生活 (簡)


An important booklet for every family no matter what stage of life you are in. It covers key areas of marriage, communication, arguing, parenthood, teenagers, mid-life crisis, in-law relationships, and the elderly. There is truly something in here for every family. 151 pp.

Because of Love (Simplified Chinese)

Because of Love (Simplified Chinese)
An overview of the biblical view of marriage and family relationships. Includes topics on the role of men and women in marriage, raising children, relationships with elderly, singleness, etc

Aging: The Fulfillment of Life

与岁月和好 (简), Aging: The Fulfillment of Life, 與歲月和好 (簡)

by Henri Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney

Publisher's Description:

We are all aging. We are each a spoke on the great wheel of life, part of the ongoing cycle of growth. In Aging, Henri J.M. Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney share some moving and inspirational thoughts on what aging means (and can mean) to all of us, whether we're in our youth, middle age, or later years.

Enhanced by some eighty-five photographs depicting various scenes from life and nature, this book shows how to make the later years a source of hope rather than a time of loneliness -- a way out of darkness into the light. "Aging," the authors write, "is not a reason for despair, but a basis of hope, not a slow decaying, but a gradual maturing, not a fate to be undergone but a chance to be embraced." And they remind us of our responsibility to incorporate the aged into the fabric of our own lives -- helping them become teachers again so they may help us repair the fragmented connections between generations.

Aging shows us all how to start fulfilling our lives by giving to others, "so that when we leave this world, we can be what we have given." It is a warm, beautiful, and caring book: a simple reaffirmation of the promise of Him, who by His aging and death brought new life to this world.

Author Bio:

Henri J. M. Nouwen was a Catholic Priest who taught at several theological institutes and universities in his home country of the Netherlands and in the United States. He shared the final years of his life with people with mental and physical disablilities at L'Arche Daybreak Community in Toronto, Canada. He died in 1996. He authoried many books on the spiritual life including Reaching Out, The Wounded Healer, and The Return of the Prodigal Son.

His Needs, Her Needs

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
他需她要, His Needs, Her Needs , 他需她要

In the classic bestseller His Needs, Her Needs, Willard F. Harley, Jr., identifies the ten most vital needs of men and women and shows husbands and wives how to satisfy those needs in their spouses. He provides guidance for becoming irresistible to your spouse and for loving more creatively and sensitively, thereby eliminating the problems that often lead to extramarital affairs. 


Understanding True Love

比雪更白 (简), Understanding True Love, 比雪更白 (簡)


Preparing for Marriage

踏上红地毯(简), Preparing for Marriage,   踏上紅地毯(簡)

Author: Dennis Rainey Contributors: David Boehi, Brent Nelson, Jeff Schulte, Lloyd Shadrach

Publisher's Description:

You're in love, and it's the real thing. You have made a joyous decision together--a decision destined to change your lives forever: You're getting married! Now, as you plan your wedding celebration, it is time to lay the foundation for a lifetime of love and romance. Today you can begin the important, lifelong task of building a strong Christian marriage.

Created by FamilyLife, one of America's leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins--the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

Inside you'll find eight sessions of fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple, with a pastor or premarital counselor, or with a small group. Don't just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

Author Bio:

Dennis Rainey is president and CEO of FamilyLife, a division of Cru. Dennis and his wife, Barbara, have spoken at Weekend to Remember conferences around the world. Dennis serves as the daily host of the radio program FamilyLife Today. He and Barbara have authored more than two dozen books, including the bestselling Moments Together for Intimacy and Moments Together for Couples. The Raineys have six children and nineteen grandchildren.


Q & A about Marriage

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
婚姻问题解答 (简), Q & A about Marriage, 婚姻問題解答 (簡)


102 pp. A survey and collection of questions provided by overseas scholars concerning marriage. It's a practical guide for the Christian family.

The Family Tied Together By God

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
家为神所系 (简), The Family Tied Together By God, 家為神所系 (簡)

Booklet 44 pp. Christian views of marriage, love, bringing up children, communication, family worship, money management, and other related topics.



Feminine Appeal

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
做个真女人 (简), Feminine Appeal, 做個真女人 (簡)
From a biblical perspective, the author defines the positions and roles of women, which are vital in helping one to fulfill God's calling in life.

Pressure-Proof Your Marriage

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
爱巢永筑 (简), Pressure-Proof Your Marriage, 愛巢永築 (簡)

Publisher's Description:
The husband gets pulled one way and the wife another, their harried lives barely intersecting. Sadly, this is an accurate description of many marriages today. Endless pressure has made couples overloaded, overcommitted, and unhealthy. Now, FamilyLife's Dennis and Barbara Rainey examine the sources of their stress and list practical, biblical strategies for dealing with it. Couples can be smarter in their choices about handling life. The Raineys show them how to see pressure not as a source of distress and isolation, but as an opportunity to build oneness with each other and with the Lord.

Is Pressure Tearing Your Marriage Apart?

Medical bills, car problems, headstrong may seem like there’s a conspiracy against the two of you.

But you can ward off the number one killer of marriages—pressure—before it’s too late. In this valuable book, you’ll measure your pressure level and discover six courageous choices that will lead you on God’s path to easing the stress.

Let Dennis and Barbara Rainey guide you to a pressure-proof partnership, walking arm in arm through the best days of your married life.  126 pp.


Givers, Takers & Other Kinds of Lovers

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
谈恋爱 (简), Givers, Takers & Other Kinds of Lovers, 談戀愛 (簡)
by Josh McDowell

Wired That Way

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
天生如此 (简), Wired That Way, 天生如此 (簡)

Do you want to understand yourself better, maximize your strengths and improve your relationships? Understanding how we are wired can enrich our lives and our relationships, helping to overcome differences that can seem irreconcilable. Instead of terminating jobs, friendships or marriage on grounds of incompatibility, it is possible to turn these relationships from dying to growing. For more than 25 years, Marita Littauer, with her mother, Florence Littauer, has helped thousands of men and women with their personal and professional relationships. In Wired That Way, Marita brings together in one book a comprehensive overview of the personality types that speaks to anyone who wants to understand and to be understood.    

From the Back Cover:

Discover Your Personality Type and Improve Your Relationships! Do you have trouble getting along with certain family members, friends or work associates? Why are people wired so differently? Learn how understanding your own personality type can help you turn terminated relationships into germinated, growing relationships! Once you understand your personality type and how you're wired, you will be ready to discover how to maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. Then, you'll learn how to quickly pick up cues about the personality of others from their body language. Your life will be enriched as you grow deeper in your faith, and quickly improve seemingly incompatible relationships with friends, family and coworkers!


Christian Ethics

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
基督徒与伦理 (简), Christian Ethics, 基督徒與倫理 (簡)

Booklet 39 pp. Family, work, social, and life ethics.


One Home at a Time

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
拯救家庭 (简), One Home at a Time, 拯救家庭 (簡)


From the Publisher: One Home at a Time reveals how you can bring about radical change by strengthening one of the country's most important components--your family. Learn about the Four Pillars of a Family Reformation: personal repentance & purity; the sacred covenant of marriage; the sanctity of God-ordained roles; and leaving a legacy of spiritual vitality for the next generation. Includes notes and resources, as well as "A Community Marriage Policy". 231 pp.

Steps to Freedom in Christ

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
在基督里的自由的步骤 (简), Steps to Freedom in Christ, 在基督裏的自由的步驟 (簡)

32pp Step-by-step guide to lead a person to resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, gaining freedom in Christ. The books of Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker are recommended to be read before using this guide. 8.05" x 11.10"


Steps to Freedom in Christ (English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
在基督里的自由的步骤(英), Steps to Freedom in Christ (English), 在基督裏的自由的步驟(英)
26pp Step-by-step guide to lead a person to resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, gaining freedom in Christ. The books of Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker are recommended to be read before using this guide. 8.05" x 11.10" English edition same as above.

A Different Life

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
不一样的人生 (简), A Different Life, 不一樣的人生 (簡)

196 pp. The book discusses the biblical perspective of life situations and attitudes. It includes chapters on ministry, work, family, purpose of life, victory over adverse circumstances, pursuit of excellence, peace in the midst of a busy life.


Balancing Your Family Faith, & Work

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
平衡的智慧 (简), Balancing Your Family Faith, & Work, 平衡的智慧 (簡)
194 pp. Learn from the author, the CTO of Intel, how you can turn your "business" into meaningful priorities that will change your life and impact all those around you.

Guys and Gals

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
两性之间 (简), Guys and Gals, 兩性之間 (簡)


Booklet 40 pp. A discussion on love, sex, marriage, courtship and singleness from a biblical perspective. A discussion on love, sex, marriage, courtship and singleness in the light of the Bible.


Marriage and Personal Restoration

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
婚姻与个人的重建 (简), Marriage and Personal Restoration, 婚姻與個人的重建 (簡)

87 Pages.
For those whose marriage has resulted in separation, this book provides guidance for constructively restoring one's spiritual and emotional health, and seeking to reestablish the marriage. (Adapted from “Hope for the Separated” by Gary Chapman).


Five Love Languages Devotional

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
心靈之約 -夫妻靈修365, Five Love Languages Devotional, 心靈之約 -夫妻靈修365

Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the New York Times best seller The Five Love Languages, shows you how to effectively communicate love in a genuine, thoughtful way every day.

Every day’s devotion has a selection from Scripture, an insightful message about communicating love, and a prayer. Spend this year growing closer to those you love most. 


The Path to Resolve Conflicts DVD, Guiding Words Series

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry

我的衝突,有路走-《恩言》專題系列,DVD, The Path to Resolve Conflicts DVD, Guiding Words Series, 我的衝突,有路走-《恩言》專題系列,DVD

Guiding Word Counseling - John and Grace Chao

Conflict Resolution: counseling DVD set. (4 videos on 2 DVDs)

Click on each session below to download pdf lesson outline

Session 1 (disk 1): 我的衝突有益處 (我的冲突有益处)

Session 2 (disk 1): 我的衝突有勝算 (我的冲突有胜算)

Session 3 (disk 2): 我的衝突有路走 (我的冲突有路走)

Session 4 (disk 2): 我的衝突有安息 (我的冲突有安息)

Click on the link below to watch video sessions online:


Overcoming Harmful Emotions DVD, Guiding Words Series

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry

我的情绪,我的心-《恩言》专题系列,DVD, Overcoming Harmful Emotions DVD, Guiding Words Series, 我的情緒,我的心-《恩言》專題系列,DVD

Guiding Word Counseling: John and Grace Chao

Emotions: Biblical Counseling DVD set (4 sessions on 2 DVDs)

Click on each session below to download the pdf lesson outline

Session 1 (disk 1): 我的情緒我的心 (我的情绪我的心)

Session 2 (disk 1): 我的傷口我的淚 (我的伤口我的泪)

Session 3 (disk 2): 我的關係我的話 (我的关系我的話)

Session 4 (disk 2): 我的婚姻我的性 (我的婚姻我的性)

Click on the image below to watch session online:

Christ's Army DVD, Guiding Words Series

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
精兵秘笈,DVD, Christ's Army DVD, 精兵秘笈,DVD

Click on the image below to watch sessions online:


Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
愤怒,爱的另一面, Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way, 憤怒,愛的另一面

We live in an angry society. From road rage to workplace incidents to marital bickering, out-of-control anger is all around us. How can we handle our anger--and help those we love with theirs? How can we teach our children to deal with their anger? And what about those long-simmering feelings of anger toward people in our past? What's the difference between "bad" and "good" anger? Bestselling author and relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman offers helpful--and sometimes surprising--insights on why we get angry, what we can do about it, and how we can use anger for good.