Coming to Grips with Genesis

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Coming to Grips with Genesis

Brief introduction:

The age of the earth is the focus of the debate on the origins of the church today, and this book contains 14 theologians on related key issues. They support the Six Days of Creation, Global Flood, and Young Earth with rigorous scriptural, theological, and historical arguments. Scholars also offer timely critiques of some of the ancient Earth interpretations of Genesis by contemporary generations.

This book's new defense of the literal historicity of Genesis 1-11 fits well with other research that has focused on scientific evidence for a young Earth. Therefore, this book can be used as a supplement to other works, and can also provide independent teaching materials for teachers and students of seminaries and Bible colleges, pastors, missionaries, and others who need to study apologetics in depth.

This book is written in memory of Dr. Weidekorn, who in 1961 co-published the immortal creation masterpiece "The Genesis Flood" with Dr. Morris.

Mastering Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth contains:

• Two prefaces written by John MacArthur, Dean of Master Theological Seminary and Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church in California, and Morris, founder of the Creation Institute

• A detailed analysis of the verbs in Genesis 1

• Defend the strict timeline of the genealogy in Genesis 5 and 11

• Why deny that there were billions of years of death and natural evil before Adam sinned?

• A careful consideration of Jesus' teaching about a young earth