Intro to Christianity


The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
陌生客同路人(简), The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, 陌生客同路人(簡)


An excellent, easily understood, chronological explanation of God's message in his word, showing the need for solving man's dilemma through a redeemer, met in God's Son, demonstrating his amazing love and grace. Great for both non-believers and believers, especially new believers.

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
陌生客同路人(英), The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - English, 陌生客同路人(英)
318 pp. An excellent, easily understood, chronological explanation of the whole Bible. The reader is lead through the Bible in order to understand more clearly why Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth. He is urged to choose the “stranger” as Savior.John R. Cross English edition. 318 Pages.

Stranger/Road to Emmaus Workbk - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
陌生客同路人-研读手册 (英), Stranger/Road to Emmaus Workbk - English, 陌生客同路人-研讀手冊 (英)
by John R. Cross English edition. Pages.

Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - Mandarin MP3

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
陌生客同路人 (MP3), Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - Mandarin MP3, 陌生客同路人 (MP3)


The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly the main message of Bible.

What are Christmas and Easter All About?

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
关于圣诞节与复活节的一切, What are Christmas and Easter All About?, 關于聖誕節與複活節的一切

Great evangelism tool!

The purpose of this book is to explain the most important story in the Holy Bible. It is a story that tells us what Christmas and Easter are all about. However the book doesn't stop with the stories of these two festivals. It explains much more. It tells us the Bible's answers to life, death, and life after death. It helps us understand what the Bible is all about! This book is written in EasyEnglish, which means all ages can benefit from it. If English is a difficult language for you to read, this book will be helpful.

By This Name (English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
, By This Name (English),
373 pp. Builds on and enhances the excellent presentation of the chronological overview of the Bible of B1-9 Stranger . (above), establishing more clearly the superiority of God (Jahweh) of Israel over all other gods and belief systems. This God’s wonderful plan to redeem fallen man is fulfilled through the One, for whose coming God prepared the world throughout the centuries before. 373 Pages.

All That the Prophets Have Spoken

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
先知所说的一切话(简), All That the Prophets Have Spoken, 先知所說的一切話(簡)
Similar to B1-9, it is adapted to be more appropriate for those influenced by Islam, but actually is good for anyone. An excellent, easily understood, chronological explanation of the prophets, spokesmen of God's word in the Bible, showing the need for solving man's dilemma through a redeemer, met in God's Son, demonstrating his amazing love and grace. Great for both non-believers and believers, especially new believers.

All that the Prophets have Spoken (Eng)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
先知所说的一切话(英), All that the Prophets have Spoken (Eng), 先知所說的一切話(英)
English edition. Prophets through the Bible convey God’s truth to mankind. This accurate, simple and easy to understand guide to the biblical prophets help us to know the truth in the Bible and to reach unbelievers. It especially helps us to understand people with different religious background, though we wouldn’t normally acknowledge their faith, we can learn how to get along with them wisely. 304 Pages

God's Story - From Creation to Eternity (Chinese)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
神的故事-从创世到永生(简), God's Story - From Creation to Eternity (Chinese), 神的故事-從創世到永生(簡)
pp30 Photocopy of the script in Chinese of the 80 minute video God’ Story (see J1-41CD) including many of the illustrations from the video. Three sections are God’s Creation, Exodus and the Life and Ministry of Jesus. Can be used to give the message of the video in print or as a guide for a discussion.

God's Story - From Creation to Eternity (English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
神的故事-从创世到永生(英), God's Story - From Creation to Eternity (English), 神的故事-從創世到永生(英)
pp. 52. Best selling book of all time, God's story in audio, video and printed script presents an overview of the Holy Bilbe. Excellent for student handouts when using the companion Discussion Guide.God’s story in audio, video and printed script presents an overview of the Holy Bible. Excellent for student handouts when using the companion Discussion Guide.

The Lamb - Chinese

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
羔羊(简), The Lamb - Chinese, 羔羊(簡)
183 pp. Includes beautiful picture book and CD with music and narration

The Lamb - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
羔羊(英), The Lamb - English, 羔羊(英)
183 pp. Includes beautiful picture book and CD with music and narration

Our Bible: How it Came to Us (Simplified)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
圣经...如何到我们的手中(简), Our Bible: How it Came to Us (Simplified), 聖經...如何到我們的手中(簡)

Our Bible: How it Came to Us (English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
圣经...如何到我们的手中(英), Our Bible: How it Came to Us (English), 聖經...如何到我們的手中(英)

This booklet explains the History of the Bible, including the formation of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Transmission of the Bible, and the Translations of the English Bible from KJV to Modern Era. 20 pp. 6" x 8.25"

Temporarily Out of stock.

Know the Truth - New Printing!

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
认识真理(修订版)(简), Know the Truth, 認識真理(修訂版)(簡)

 An excellent apologetic and evangelistic discussion, focused around three questions which form the three parts: Does God Exist? Is Jesus the Son of God? Is the Bible Inspired by God? Somewhat similar in nature to Song of a Wanderer, Know the Truth this is perhaps the better choice for those who are not college students or graduates.

Discovering God: Devotional Journey Through the Bible

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
寻便寻见, Discovering God: Devotional Journey Through the Bible, 尋便尋見

Here is a collection of 180 transforming stories - at least one from each book of the Bible. With characteristic style and insight, Philip Yancey reveals God's plan for the planet and each of us in these devotional readings.



Story of Hope

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
盼望的故事(简), Story of Hope, 盼望的故事(簡)

The Story of Hope contains a “shrinkable and expandable” (accordion-like) presentation, consisting of 40 pages, for telling or teaching the Bible’s big redemptive story in as few as fifteen minutes or as long as twenty or more hours. It is designed for evangelistic Bible studies, one-on-one or in small groups, but is also helpful in teaching God’s redemptive plan to believers.

Forty strategically selected Bible events, twenty from the Old Testament and twenty from the New Testament, comprise this version of The Story of Hope. Each event is beautifully visualized. A set of evangelism-focused Bible study questions is included in the material for each event. The study book also includes colorful maps of the Bible lands, highlighting where the events occurred, as well as a very informative visual of the Old Testament’s tabernacle in the wilderness. The Chronological Bridge to Life, which follows the study of the redemptive story, summaries eight essential “eternal life or death truths” that emerge from the Bible’s story of hope.


·         Introduction to the Bible and its Big Story

·         Instructions for Self-Study and Group Study Leaders

·         Map of Holy Land (Canaan/Palestine)

·         Map of the Ancient Near East (Middle East)

·         Visual of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness

·         The Story of Hope

Old Testament Events

New Testament Events

The Eternal God

Birth of Jesus of Nazareth

Creation of the Earth

John the Baptist’s Proclamation

Creation of Mankind

Temptations by Satan

Fall of Lucifer

Miracles of Jesus

Beginning of Human Sin

Encounter with a Religious Leader

Origin of Death

Encounter with a Samaritan Woman

Promise of a Satan Conqueror

Teachings about Hell

Provision of Coverings

Claims of Oneness with God

Banishment from Eden

Betrayal of Jesus

The Great Flood

Appearances before Unjust Judges

Promises to Abraham

Crucifixion of Jesus

Offering of Isaac

A Repentant Dying Thief

Moses’ Call to Leadership

Resurrection of Jesus

The Plagues and Passover

Ascension of Jesus

Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt

Peter Proclaims the Good News

The Ten Commandments

Jesus’ Return for Believers

Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Jesus’ Return as King

Bronze Serpent

Satan’s Final Doom

Reign of King David

Dreadful Destiny for Unbelievers

Prophecies of a Coming Messiah

Blissful Destiny for Believers

The Chronological Bridge to Life
Eight Essential Truths Emerge from the Story of Hope

What we have learned about God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, the Cross, Faith, and Eternal Life

Mere Christianity

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
反璞归真 (简), Mere Christianity, 反璞歸真 (簡)

217pp This well-known compelling logical apologetic for the truth of Christianity has had a profound effect on skeptics for decades. It also gives confidence for believers that their faith is reasonable.



Prac. & Relevant Gospel

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
一针见血的福音(一)(组员本), Prac. & Relevant Gospel, 一針見血的福音(一)組員本)

Practical and Relevant Gospel for Modern Man, The (I)(Student Book) 一针见血的福音(一) by Patrick So From his study of the Bible and experience in ministry, the author understands the effectiveness of inductive Bible study. This series of evangelistic Bible studies, consists of a student book and a leader’s guide. This is valuable for a Bible study ministry.



Pract. & Rel. Gospel for Mod. Man 1-Lead

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
一针见血的福音(一)(组长本), Pract. & Rel. Gospel for Mod. Man 1-Lead, 一針見血的福音(一)(組長本)
Book - pp. 285 Pract. & Rel. Gospel for Mod. Man - Leader's Guide

Survey of the Bible

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
圣经总论 (简), Survey of the Bible, 聖經總論 (簡)


117 pp. Brief introduction of the whole Bible.117 Pages Brief introduction of the whole Bible.

Quick Bible Browser

圣经快阅通(简体), Quick Bible Browser, 聖經快閱通(簡體)

The Quick Bible Browser gives introductions to each book of the Bible along with a short overview and outline of each book of the Bible.

279 pp.

The Reliability and Authority of the Bible

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
圣经所载可信吗?(简), The Reliability and Authority of the Bible, 聖經所載可信嗎?(簡)
27 pp。 This booklet Shows special characteristics of the work and evidence of historical records。Shows special aspects of the work and evidence of historical records.

The Cross Puzzle - Deluxe Version

The Cross Puzzle - Deluxe Version

The Cross Puzzle captures the imagination.
The Cross Puzzle is very difficult to figure out.  But once you know the secret, it is very easy to unlock. It engages the mind and opens the door for great conversations.  The Pocket CrossPuzzle is also made of cherry wood and can be carried in the pocket or purse so it is readily available as a conversation starter.

Use Scripture and the Christian Life to explain the solution to this challenging cross puzzle. Designed by an engineer, this Cross puzzle is a unique way to begin a discussion about Christ and the importance of the cross.

See the video below in English for an introduction.


If you want to watch how this unique puzzle is solved, watch the video below.


Man Without Equal

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
无与伦比的人[简], Man Without Equal, 無與倫比的人[簡]
Bill Bright introduces the Lord Jesus Christ as the amazing Man who has transformed the world and how He continues to change the way we live today.

Hope in God's Love

他乡遇故知--神的爱里有希望(简), Hope in God's Love, 他鄉遇故知--神的愛里有希望(簡)

Temporarily out of stock

Click here to download a pdf copy of the book!


·         本书理论与实证相结合,论述人的种种破碎;见证与经文相呼应展示神的全智全能与全爱

·         本书援引和应用《圣经》中25本经卷的150多处经文,让人知道《圣经》的至珍至宝

·         本书资料详实,图文并茂,共有近50个表格和图示,使人容易理解丰富的真理与事实

·         本书推荐包括6个版本圣经在内的21本进一步阅读书籍及22首相关的经典美妙圣诗,教人感受基督信仰的美好和奥秘智慧

·         本书各章均有供个人思考或小组讨论的系列问题,助人透过自我的生命历程而进入属神的真理



·         这本书可以用于向你深爱着的家人和朋友分享父神深藏厚爱的真理及其对每个人生命的宝贵意义!

·         也可以用于给你身边的同学、同事、学生和学者带去神的无限祝福!

·         更可以帮助已经认识神的你更深地体会他对你和每一个人所倾注的长阔高深的大爱、他所赐下的无限美妙智慧,以及他因着爱和智慧所施展的奇能异事!


Hope in God’s LoveEncountering Your Soulmate in a Strange Land

Ch 1: Human Extremity Is God’s Opportunity!

Ch 2: The Brokenness of Personal Life and God’s Merciful Salvation

Ch 3: The Brokenness of Marriage and Family and God’s Merciful Healing

Ch 4: The Brokenness of Educational Dreams and God’s Merciful Wisdom

Ch 5: The Brokenness of Society and God’s Merciful Power

Ch 6: The Establishment of the Church and God’s Merciful Authority




Philosophy & Christianity

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
基督教与哲学 (简), Philosophy & Christianity, 基督教與哲學 (簡)
Booklet, 151 pp. Outlines the Enlightenment and Skepticism of the 18th century; Idealism, Agnosticism & Evolutionism of the 19th Century; Existentialism, Humanism of the 20th Century. Enlightenment and skepticism of the 18th century; Idealism, Agnosticism & Evolutionism of the 19th Century; Existentialism, Humanism of the 20th Century.

History of the Christian Church

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
基督教会史(简字), History of the Christian Church, 基督教會史(簡字)
112 pp. It outlines the development of Christianity from the time of Jesus Christ to the present day. It provides an overview of major events and their significance.

Way to God

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
引往神的路(简), Way to God, 引往神的路(簡)

The Way To God

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
引往神的路(英), The Way To God, 引往神的路(英)
English edition of D1-24.

“Joy” - Bible Study on John

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
喜乐 - 圣经研究《约翰福音》 (简), “Joy” - Bible Study on John, 喜樂 - 聖經研究《約翰福音》 (簡)
80pp Taken from the Gospel of John, these 33 short lessons benefit both non-believers and believers. Also encourages scripture memorization. Printed very inexpensively for free distribution. Booklet

Bible Study on John - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
“喜乐”- 圣经研究《约翰福音》(英), Bible Study on John - English, “喜乐”- 圣经研究《约翰福音》(英)
80pp Taken from the Gospel of John, these 33 short lessons benefit both non-believers and believers. Also encourages scripture memorization. Printed very inexpensively for free distribution. Booklet

Bible Study on Genesis

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
“喜乐”- 圣经研究《创世纪》(简), Bible Study on Genesis , “喜乐”- 圣经研究《创世纪》(简)

Bible Study on Genesis - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
“喜乐”- 圣经研究《创世纪》(英), Bible Study on Genesis - English, “喜乐”- 圣经研究《创世纪》(英)

Jesus Mini Mag (Chinese )

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
微型杂志:耶稣是谁? (简), Jesus Mini Mag (Chinese ), 微型雜誌:耶穌是誰? (簡)

8.25" x 11.75" 8 pp. Excerpts from the Jesus film depicting the life of Jesus which is followed by the 4 Spiritual Laws to urge readers to accept Christ as personal Savior.


His Story

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
祂的故事 (简), His Story, 祂的故事 (簡)
Notebook size 7.75" x 10" 133 pp. Book Two: Twelve systematic lessons for Christian growth to be used as a teacher's guide as well as a student's workbook, designed to follow D2-8. Highly recommended.

The Complete Salvation

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
全备的救恩 (简), The Complete Salvation, 全備的救恩 (簡)
pp. 171 Investigative Bible study for non-believers, designed originally for campus groups. Thirty-seven lessons include a scripture passage, an introduction with background information, followed by many questions which facilitate discussion, and a short conclusion. A guide for the leader follows each lesson. Mostly based on the Gospels, topics include creation, man’s condition, the work of Jesus, teaching of Jesus, and the person of Jesus, as well as coming to faith.

The Unseen World

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
未见的世界(简), The Unseen World, 未見的世界(簡)

The author explains from Scripture about what heaven is like, what angels are, and how to get to heaven. This evangelistic book is very clear in its explanation of what the Bible has to say about these topics.
164 pp.

E2-15 Unseen World

Table of Contents

Chapter 1            Do people really have a soul?

A.      Scientific evidence

B.      Soul out of body experience

C.      Telepathy or Soul dialogue

Chapter 2            The soul is immortal

Chapter 3            Final destination of the soul

A.      Hell witnesses

B.      Heaven witnesses

Chapter 4            How to get to heaven?

Chapter 5            Where do you choose to go?

Chapter 6            The characteristics of those who can enter heaven and have everlasting life

Chapter 7            You will meet hindrance

Chapter 8            What should we do when facing the enemy?

Chapter 9            Are you ready for the final day?

Chapter 10          Christianity changed history

Chapter 11          True joy and false happiness


About the book

Do people really have a soul?  Where is the final destination of the soul?  Do heaven and hell really exist?  What does heaven look like?  And what does hell look like?  Do you wish to go to heaven? Or would you rather go to hell?  How can you get to heaven?

The author had a strong background of materialism.  He had reflected and searched deeply into spiritual matters.  And found the answers to the mystery of heaven and soul.

He is a living testimony, and he will let you see many more testimonies.  Christianity is the truth.  It has changed many people, and it changed the world also.  Do you wish to explore the mystery of heaven?  Please read this book.  You will not regret.  There are a lot of evidences, which will help you to make a decision, and direct you to what you need to do. 


About the author - Rev. Seng Song

Rev. Song graduated from the China Medical University in 1987 with a Master’s degree in Stomatology.  Upon graduation, he stayed at the University to work in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery clinic.  In 1993, he came to Chicago to further his education.  He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior in 1994, and was called to God’s service in the same year.  In 1997, he immigrated to Toronto, Canada and worked in the area of blood work research.  In 2003, he responded to God’s calling. He received his master’s degree in Pastoral Studies at Tiaodao Theological Seminary in Ontario, Canada through part time studies.  He has been severing full time in the Toronto Gospel Church Mandarin division since 2007.


Reasonable Faith

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
理性信仰 (简), Reasonable Faith, 理性信仰 (簡)
Reasonable Faith CD. This is an excellent Bible teaching tool. The disk contains 16 articles in both English and Chinese.

Manga Messiah: The Gospels

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
英雄传奇-福音书 (简), Manga Messiah: The Gospels, 英雄傳奇-福音書 (簡)
Manga Messiah. The Gospels in cartoon format. Especially attractive for teens and twenties. 287 pp. This book covers the Gospels in Japanese comic format, with corresponding Scripture at the bottom of each page.

Manga Messiah - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
英雄传奇-福音书 (英), Manga Messiah - English, 英雄傳奇-福音書 (英)
Manga Messiah. English Edition. This book covers the Gospels in Japanese comic format, with corresponding Scripture at the bottom of each page.

Manga Metamorphosis:Acts of the Apostles

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
成长征途 (简), Manga Metamorphosis:Acts of the Apostles, 成長征途 (簡)
Manga Metamorphosis. This book covers the Book of Acts in Japanese comic format, with corresponding Scripture at the bottom of each page.

Manga Metamorphosis - English

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
成长征途 (英), Manga Metamorphosis - English, 成長征途 (英)
Manga Metamorphosis. English edition. This book covers the Book of Acts in Japanese comic format, with corresponding Scripture at the bottom of each page.


福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
得分!上帝的豪小子, Linspired, 得分!上帝的豪小子

Great tool for introductory evangelism, to help you connect with undergraduate and high school students...

Linspired reveals the remarkable journey of the ultimate underdog, Jeremy Lin, superstar of the New York Knicks and the first American-born player of Chinese/Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA. In spite of being cut by two NBA teams before he signed with the Knicks, Lin always trusted that God had a plan for his life and his talents: 'I'm not exactly sure how it is all going to turn out, but I know for a fact that God has called me to be here now in the NBA,' says Lin in Linspired. After weeks of sitting at the end of the bench, a teammate's injury finally placed Lin on the court. Since then, he has captivated sports fans throughout the world with his tremendous skill and humble response to 'Linsanity.'

Weighing in on this phenomenon are tennis's Michael Chang, the first notable Asian-American athlete, Lin's pastor, Stephen Chen, and Pat Williams, senior vice president of the Orlando Magic. Other features include eight pages of full-color photos and in-depth interviews with Lin himself. Here is the remarkable inside story of the meteoric rise of Jeremy Lin.

Q & A for Teenagers

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
不再困惑 -青少年问答手册, Q & A for Teenagers, 不再困惑 -青少年問答手冊

Temporarily out of Stock

Honest, frank and straight to the point, youth expert Josh McDowell jumps into the middle of over 230 questions common among teenagers. From "How can I get along with my parents?" to "How can I resist drugs when all my friends do it?" to "How far can I go physically before it's wrong?"-no question is off limits, and no answer is impossible.


Words of Comfort

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
安慰的信息 中英, Words of Comfort, 安慰的信息 中英

This booklet makes a great gift item for anyone needing encouragement. Selected Scripture passages and beautiful photographs of God's Creation will encourage any believer or seeker. Chinese and English  44 pp.


Words of Encouragement

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
勉励的信息 中英, Words of Encouragement, 勉勵的信息 中英
This booklet makes a great gift item for anyone needing encouragement. Selected Scripture passages and beautiful photographs of God's Creation will encourage any believer or seeker. Chinese and English  44 pp.

Words of Hope

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
希望的信息 中英, Words of Hope, 希望的信息 中英

This booklet makes a great gift item for anyone needing encouragement. Selected Scripture passages and beautiful photographs of God's Creation will encourage any believer or seeker. Chinese and English verses  44 pp.


Words of Love

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
爱的信息 中英, Words of Love, 愛的信息 中英

This booklet makes a great gift item for anyone needing encouragement. Selected Scripture passages and beautiful photographs of God's Creation will encourage any believer or seeker. Chinese and English verses  44 pp.