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The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story.

 D.A. Carson (DVD)

The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story.

 D.A. Carson (DVD)



1) 创造万有的神 The God Who Made Everything
2) 不灭绝悖逆之子的神 The God Who Does Not Wipe Out Rebels
3) 自定义协议的神 The God Who Writes His Own Agreements

DVD 2:

4) 制定律法的神 The God Who Legislates
5) 作王掌权的神 The God Who Reigns
6) 智能深不可测的神 The God Who is Unfathomably Wise

DVD 3:

7) 降世为人的神 The God Who Becomes a Human Being
8) 赐人重生的神 The God Who Grants the New Birth
9) 慈爱的神 The God Who Loves

DVD 4:

10) 死而复活的神 The God Who Dies – and Lives Again
11) 宣告罪人为义的神 The God Who Declares the Guilty Just
12) 招聚并转化祂百姓的神 The God Who Gathers and Transforms His People

DVD 5:

13) 震怒的神 The God Who Is Very Angry
14) 得胜的神 The God Who Triumphs