Outreach Pack #1

  • Description

outreach pack #1

Why do you need it?

You may have only one interaction with most new students - through airport pickups, new student welcome events, or your weekly Bible study. So we'd like to encourage you to prepare an outreach bag to give to every new student you come into contact with.

What's inside?

1. Bilingual New Testament

2. What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?

3. Case for Christ DVD

We strongly recommend that you include information or a brochure about you and your group, possibly with a short letter welcoming them to America and to your group.

Even Lower Price...

When you purchase this packet, you will save an additional $2.50 off of our already subsidized prices for these items.

Please feel free to create your own ministry pack (click here)


Why are our prices so low? Our items are NOT clearance or bulk-discounted. They are strategic, current, hand-chosen resources that are effective for ministry. Our prices are low because we are a ministry that relies on donations from God's people. (click here to learn more)

