Church History


The Torch of the Testimony

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
见证的火炬 (简), The Torch of the Testimony, 見證的火炬 (簡)
5.75" x 8.25" 335 pp. Beginning in the first century John Kennedy traces the history of Christian groups who remained outside established religion down through the ages in the West. A stirring, and heart-rending story of suffering for Christ.Beginning in the first century John Kennedy traces the history of Christian groups who remained outside formalized religion down through the ages. A stirring, and heart-rending story of suffering to the centrality of Christ within the Body of Christ.

History of the Christian Church

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
基督教会史(简字), History of the Christian Church, 基督教會史(簡字)
112 pp. It outlines the development of Christianity from the time of Jesus Christ to the present day. It provides an overview of major events and their significance.

Chinese Church History

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
中国教会史(简字), Chinese Church History, 中國教會史(簡字)
The author briefly describes the development of the history of mission in China, from missionaries entering China to first half of twentieth century. It gives the readers some general knowledge about the history of the Chinese church.

Western & Chinese Church Mission History

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
中西宣教史 (简), Western & Chinese Church Mission History, 中西宣教史 (簡)
Booklet 109 pp. Through the study of Bible passages, readers will be able to capture the heart of God for mission. The format of this booklet is suitable for either small group or individual study.

Historical Perspectives of Eternity

与永恒有关的30个观念(简), Historical Perspectives of Eternity, 與永恆有關的30個觀念 (簡)

226 pp.

Discipleship Training and Making (Timothy Series)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
门徒训练及其方法【提摩太系列】 (简), Discipleship Training and Making (Timothy Series), 門徒訓練及其方法【提摩太系列】 (簡)
Booklet 131 pp. Basic Biblical teaching on discipleship and discovering the purpose of the early church. Please see B7-2 for others in the series.

Famous Men in Church History

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
教会历史名人录 (简), Famous Men in Church History, 教會歷史名人錄 (簡)
Booklet 139 pp. Forty-five testimonies of famous men, such as the disciples of Jesus, early church fathers, leaders of the Reformation and mission organizations, and Chinese evangelists, John Song, Wang Zai and others.